<legend id='maiJo'><style id='maiJo'><dir id='maiJo'><q id='maiJo'></q></dir></style></legend>

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        <i id='maiJo'><tr id='maiJo'><dt id='maiJo'><q id='maiJo'><span id='maiJo'><b id='maiJo'><form id='maiJo'><ins id='maiJo'></ins><ul id='maiJo'></ul><sub id='maiJo'></sub></form><legend id='maiJo'></legend><bdo id='maiJo'><pre id='maiJo'><center id='maiJo'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='maiJo'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='maiJo'><tfoot id='maiJo'></tfoot><dl id='maiJo'><fieldset id='maiJo'></fieldset></dl></div>

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          <bdo id='maiJo'></bdo><ul id='maiJo'></ul>

      1. Mongoose 多对多


        <tfoot id='uJ8IG'></tfoot>
      2. <i id='uJ8IG'><tr id='uJ8IG'><dt id='uJ8IG'><q id='uJ8IG'><span id='uJ8IG'><b id='uJ8IG'><form id='uJ8IG'><ins id='uJ8IG'></ins><ul id='uJ8IG'></ul><sub id='uJ8IG'></sub></form><legend id='uJ8IG'></legend><bdo id='uJ8IG'><pre id='uJ8IG'><center id='uJ8IG'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='uJ8IG'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='uJ8IG'><tfoot id='uJ8IG'></tfoot><dl id='uJ8IG'><fieldset id='uJ8IG'></fieldset></dl></div>
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                <tbody id='uJ8IG'></tbody>

                  本文介绍了Mongoose 多对多的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




                  const mongoose = require('mongoose');
                  const itemSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
                     name: String,
                     stores: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Store' }]
                  const Item = mongoose.model('Item', itemSchema);
                  module.exports = Item;


                  const mongoose = require('mongoose');
                  const storeSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
                     name: String,
                     items: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Item' }]
                  const Store = mongoose.model('Store', storeSchema);
                  module.exports = Store;

                  还有一个 seed.js 文件:

                  const faker = require('faker');
                  const Store = require('./models/Store');
                  const Item = require('./models/Item');
                  let item = new Item({
                     name: faker.name.findName() + " Item"
                  item.save((err) => {
                     if (err) return;
                     let store = new Store({
                        name: faker.name.findName() + " Store"
                     store.save((err) => {
                        if (err) return;

                  store 与包含 1 个 itemitems 数组一起保存.item 但是没有stores.我错过了什么?如何自动更新 MongoDB/Mongoose 中的多对多关系?我习惯了 Rails,一切都是自动完成的.

                  The store is saved with the items array containing 1 item. The item though, doesn't have stores. What am I missing? How to automatically update the many-to-many relationships in MongoDB/Mongoose? I was used to Rails and everything was done automatically.


                  您目前遇到的问题是您将引用保存在一个模型中,但您没有将其保存在另一个模型中.MongoDB中没有自动参照完整性",关系"这样的概念实际上是手动"的事情,实际上 .populate() 的情况实际上是一堆额外的查询以检索引用的信息.这里没有魔法".

                  The problem you presently have is that you saved the reference in one model but you did not save it in the other. There is no "automatic referential integrity" in MongoDB, and such concept of "relations" are really a "manual" affair, and in fact the case with .populate() is actually a whole bunch of additional queries in order to retrieve the referenced information. No "magic" here.


                  Correct handling of "many to many" comes down to three options:


                  Following your current design, the parts you are missing is storing the referenced on "both" the related items. For a listing to demonstrate:

                  const { Schema } = mongoose = require('mongoose');
                  mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;
                  mongoose.set('useFindAndModify', false);
                  mongoose.set('useCreateIndex', true);
                  const uri = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/manydemo',
                        options = { useNewUrlParser: true };
                  const itemSchema = new Schema({
                    name: String,
                    stores: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Store' }]
                  const storeSchema = new Schema({
                    name: String,
                    items: [{ type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Item' }]
                  const Item = mongoose.model('Item', itemSchema);
                  const Store = mongoose.model('Store', storeSchema);
                  const log = data => console.log(JSON.stringify(data,undefined,2))
                  (async function() {
                    try {
                      const conn = await mongoose.connect(uri,options);
                      // Clean data
                      await Promise.all(
                        Object.entries(conn.models).map(([k,m]) => m.deleteMany() )
                      // Create some instances
                      let [toothpaste,brush] = ['toothpaste','brush'].map(
                        name => new Item({ name })
                      let [billsStore,tedsStore] = ['Bills','Teds'].map(
                        name => new Store({ name })
                      // Add items to stores
                      [billsStore,tedsStore].forEach( store => {
                        store.items.push(toothpaste);   // add toothpaste to store
                        toothpaste.stores.push(store);  // add store to toothpaste
                      // Brush is only in billsStore
                      // Save everything
                      await Promise.all(
                        [toothpaste,brush,billsStore,tedsStore].map( m => m.save() )
                      // Show stores
                      let stores = await Store.find().populate('items','-stores');
                      // Show items
                      let items = await Item.find().populate('stores','-items');
                    } catch(e) {
                    } finally {


                      "_id" : ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec428"),
                      "name" : "toothpaste",
                      "stores" : [
                      "__v" : 0
                      "_id" : ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec429"),
                      "name" : "brush",
                      "stores" : [
                      "__v" : 0


                      "_id" : ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec42a"),
                      "name" : "Bills",
                      "items" : [
                      "__v" : 0
                      "_id" : ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec42b"),
                      "name" : "Teds",
                      "items" : [
                      "__v" : 0


                  And produces overall output such as:

                  Mongoose: items.deleteMany({}, {})
                  Mongoose: stores.deleteMany({}, {})
                  Mongoose: items.insertOne({ name: 'toothpaste', _id: ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec428"), stores: [ ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec42a"), ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec42b") ], __v: 0 })
                  Mongoose: items.insertOne({ name: 'brush', _id: ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec429"), stores: [ ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec42a") ], __v: 0 })
                  Mongoose: stores.insertOne({ name: 'Bills', _id: ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec42a"), items: [ ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec428"), ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec429") ], __v: 0 })
                  Mongoose: stores.insertOne({ name: 'Teds', _id: ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec42b"), items: [ ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec428") ], __v: 0 })
                  Mongoose: stores.find({}, { fields: {} })
                  Mongoose: items.find({ _id: { '$in': [ ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec428"), ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec429") ] } }, { fields: { stores: 0 } })
                      "_id": "59ab96d9c079220dd8eec42a",
                      "name": "Bills",
                      "__v": 0,
                      "items": [
                          "_id": "59ab96d9c079220dd8eec428",
                          "name": "toothpaste",
                          "__v": 0
                          "_id": "59ab96d9c079220dd8eec429",
                          "name": "brush",
                          "__v": 0
                      "_id": "59ab96d9c079220dd8eec42b",
                      "name": "Teds",
                      "__v": 0,
                      "items": [
                          "_id": "59ab96d9c079220dd8eec428",
                          "name": "toothpaste",
                          "__v": 0
                  Mongoose: items.find({}, { fields: {} })
                  Mongoose: stores.find({ _id: { '$in': [ ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec42a"), ObjectId("59ab96d9c079220dd8eec42b") ] } }, { fields: { items: 0 } })
                      "_id": "59ab96d9c079220dd8eec428",
                      "name": "toothpaste",
                      "__v": 0,
                      "stores": [
                          "_id": "59ab96d9c079220dd8eec42a",
                          "name": "Bills",
                          "__v": 0
                          "_id": "59ab96d9c079220dd8eec42b",
                          "name": "Teds",
                          "__v": 0
                      "_id": "59ab96d9c079220dd8eec429",
                      "name": "brush",
                      "__v": 0,
                      "stores": [
                          "_id": "59ab96d9c079220dd8eec42a",
                          "name": "Bills",
                          "__v": 0


                  The key points being that you actually add the reference data to each document in each collection where a relationship exists. The "arrays" present are used here to store those references and "lookup" the results from the related collection and replace them with the object data that was stored there.


                  // Add items to stores
                  [billsStore,tedsStore].forEach( store => {
                    store.items.push(toothpaste);   // add toothpaste to store
                    toothpaste.stores.push(store);  // add store to toothpaste

                  因为这意味着我们不仅将 toothpaste 添加到每个商店的 "items" 数组中,而且还添加了每个 "store"toothpaste 项的 "stores" 数组.这样做是为了可以从任一方向查询关系.如果您只想要来自商店的商品"并且从不来自商品的商店",那么您根本不需要将关系数据存储在商品"条目上.

                  Because that means not only are we adding the toothpaste to the "items" array in each store, but we are also adding each "store" to the "stores" array of the toothpaste item. This is done so the relationships can work being queried from either direction. If you only wanted "items from stores" and never "stores from items", then you would not need to store the relation data on the "item" entries at all.


                  This is essentially the classic "many to many" relation. Where instead of directly defining relationships between the two collections, there is another collection ( table ) that stores the details about which item is related to which store.


                  const { Schema } = mongoose = require('mongoose');
                  mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;
                  mongoose.set('useFindAndModify', false);
                  mongoose.set('useCreateIndex', true);
                  const uri = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/manydemo',
                        options = { useNewUrlParser: true };
                  const itemSchema = new Schema({
                    name: String,
                   toJSON: { virtuals: true }
                  itemSchema.virtual('stores', {
                    ref: 'StoreItem',
                    localField: '_id',
                    foreignField: 'itemId'
                  const storeSchema = new Schema({
                    name: String,
                   toJSON: { virtuals: true }
                  storeSchema.virtual('items', {
                    ref: 'StoreItem',
                    localField: '_id',
                    foreignField: 'storeId'
                  const storeItemSchema = new Schema({
                    storeId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Store', required: true },
                    itemId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Item', required: true }
                  const Item = mongoose.model('Item', itemSchema);
                  const Store = mongoose.model('Store', storeSchema);
                  const StoreItem = mongoose.model('StoreItem', storeItemSchema);
                  const log = data => console.log(JSON.stringify(data,undefined,2));
                  (async function() {
                    try {
                      const conn = await mongoose.connect(uri,options);
                      // Clean data
                      await Promise.all(
                        Object.entries(conn.models).map(([k,m]) => m.deleteMany() )
                      // Create some instances
                      let [toothpaste,brush] = await Item.insertMany(
                        ['toothpaste','brush'].map( name => ({ name }) )
                      let [billsStore,tedsStore] = await Store.insertMany(
                        ['Bills','Teds'].map( name => ({ name }) )
                      // Add toothpaste to both stores
                      for( let store of [billsStore,tedsStore] ) {
                        await StoreItem.update(
                          { storeId: store._id, itemId: toothpaste._id },
                          { },
                          { 'upsert': true }
                      // Add brush to billsStore
                      await StoreItem.update(
                        { storeId: billsStore._id, itemId: brush._id },
                        { 'upsert': true }
                      // Show stores
                      let stores = await Store.find().populate({
                        path: 'items',
                        populate: { path: 'itemId' }
                      // Show Items
                      let items = await Item.find().populate({
                        path: 'stores',
                        populate: { path: 'storeId' }
                    } catch(e) {
                    } finally {


                  The relations are now in their own collection, so the data now appears differently, for "items":

                      "_id" : ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d74"),
                      "__v" : 0,
                      "name" : "toothpaste"
                      "_id" : ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d75"),
                      "__v" : 0,
                      "name" : "brush"


                      "_id" : ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d76"),
                      "__v" : 0,
                      "name" : "Bills"
                      "_id" : ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d77"),
                      "__v" : 0,
                      "name" : "Teds"


                  And now for "storeitems" which maps the relations:

                      "_id" : ObjectId("59ab996179e41cc54405b72b"),
                      "itemId" : ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d74"),
                      "storeId" : ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d76"),
                      "__v" : 0
                      "_id" : ObjectId("59ab996179e41cc54405b72d"),
                      "itemId" : ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d74"),
                      "storeId" : ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d77"),
                      "__v" : 0
                      "_id" : ObjectId("59ab996179e41cc54405b72f"),
                      "itemId" : ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d75"),
                      "storeId" : ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d76"),
                      "__v" : 0


                  Mongoose: items.deleteMany({}, {})
                  Mongoose: stores.deleteMany({}, {})
                  Mongoose: storeitems.deleteMany({}, {})
                  Mongoose: items.insertMany([ { __v: 0, name: 'toothpaste', _id: 59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d74 }, { __v: 0, name: 'brush', _id: 59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d75 } ])
                  Mongoose: stores.insertMany([ { __v: 0, name: 'Bills', _id: 59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d76 }, { __v: 0, name: 'Teds', _id: 59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d77 } ])
                  Mongoose: storeitems.update({ itemId: ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d74"), storeId: ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d76") }, { '$setOnInsert': { __v: 0 } }, { upsert: true })
                  Mongoose: storeitems.update({ itemId: ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d74"), storeId: ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d77") }, { '$setOnInsert': { __v: 0 } }, { upsert: true })
                  Mongoose: storeitems.update({ itemId: ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d75"), storeId: ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d76") }, { '$setOnInsert': { __v: 0 } }, { upsert: true })
                  Mongoose: stores.find({}, { fields: {} })
                  Mongoose: storeitems.find({ storeId: { '$in': [ ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d76"), ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d77") ] } }, { fields: {} })
                  Mongoose: items.find({ _id: { '$in': [ ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d74"), ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d75") ] } }, { fields: {} })
                      "_id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d76",
                      "__v": 0,
                      "name": "Bills",
                      "items": [
                          "_id": "59ab996179e41cc54405b72b",
                          "itemId": {
                            "_id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d74",
                            "__v": 0,
                            "name": "toothpaste",
                            "stores": null,
                            "id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d74"
                          "storeId": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d76",
                          "__v": 0
                          "_id": "59ab996179e41cc54405b72f",
                          "itemId": {
                            "_id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d75",
                            "__v": 0,
                            "name": "brush",
                            "stores": null,
                            "id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d75"
                          "storeId": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d76",
                          "__v": 0
                      "id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d76"
                      "_id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d77",
                      "__v": 0,
                      "name": "Teds",
                      "items": [
                          "_id": "59ab996179e41cc54405b72d",
                          "itemId": {
                            "_id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d74",
                            "__v": 0,
                            "name": "toothpaste",
                            "stores": null,
                            "id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d74"
                          "storeId": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d77",
                          "__v": 0
                      "id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d77"
                  Mongoose: items.find({}, { fields: {} })
                  Mongoose: storeitems.find({ itemId: { '$in': [ ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d74"), ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d75") ] } }, { fields: {} })
                  Mongoose: stores.find({ _id: { '$in': [ ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d76"), ObjectId("59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d77") ] } }, { fields: {} })
                      "_id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d74",
                      "__v": 0,
                      "name": "toothpaste",
                      "stores": [
                          "_id": "59ab996179e41cc54405b72b",
                          "itemId": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d74",
                          "storeId": {
                            "_id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d76",
                            "__v": 0,
                            "name": "Bills",
                            "items": null,
                            "id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d76"
                          "__v": 0
                          "_id": "59ab996179e41cc54405b72d",
                          "itemId": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d74",
                          "storeId": {
                            "_id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d77",
                            "__v": 0,
                            "name": "Teds",
                            "items": null,
                            "id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d77"
                          "__v": 0
                      "id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d74"
                      "_id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d75",
                      "__v": 0,
                      "name": "brush",
                      "stores": [
                          "_id": "59ab996179e41cc54405b72f",
                          "itemId": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d75",
                          "storeId": {
                            "_id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d76",
                            "__v": 0,
                            "name": "Bills",
                            "items": null,
                            "id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d76"
                          "__v": 0
                      "id": "59ab996166d5cc0e0d164d75"


                  Since the relations are now mapped in a separate collection there are a couple of changes here. Notably we want to define a "virtual" field on the collection that no longer has a fixed array of items. So you add one as is shown:

                  const itemSchema = new Schema({
                    name: String,
                   toJSON: { virtuals: true }
                  itemSchema.virtual('stores', {
                    ref: 'StoreItem',
                    localField: '_id',
                    foreignField: 'itemId'

                  您使用它的 localFieldforeignField 映射分配虚拟字段,以便随后的 .populate() 调用知道要使用什么.

                  You assign the virtual field with it's localField and foreignField mappings so the subsequent .populate() call knows what to use.


                  The intermediary collection has a fairly standard definition:

                  const storeItemSchema = new Schema({
                    storeId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Store', required: true },
                    itemId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Item', required: true }


                  And instead of "pushing" new items onto arrays, we instead add them to this new collection. A reasonable method for this is using "upserts" to create a new entry only when this combination does not exist:

                  // Add toothpaste to both stores
                  for( let store of [billsStore,tedsStore] ) {
                    await StoreItem.update(
                      { storeId: store._id, itemId: toothpaste._id },
                      { },
                      { 'upsert': true }

                  这是一种非常简单的方法,它仅使用查询中提供的两个键创建一个新文档,其中一个未找到,或者本质上尝试在匹配时更新同一个文档,在这种情况下使用nothing".因此,现有的匹配最终会成为无操作",这是需要做的事情.或者,您可以简单地 .insertOne() 忽略重复键错误.随心所欲.

                  It's a pretty simple method that merely creates a new document with the two keys supplied in the query where one was not found, or essentially tries to update the same document when matched, and with "nothing" in this case. So existing matches just end up as a "no-op", which is the desired thing to do. Alternately you could simply .insertOne() an ignore duplicate key errors. Whatever takes your fancy.

                  实际上查询这些相关"数据的工作方式又略有不同.因为涉及到另一个集合,我们调用 .populate() 的方式认为它也需要查找"其他检索到的属性上的关系.所以你有这样的电话:

                  Actually querying this "related" data works a little differently again. Because there is another collection involved, we call .populate() in a way that considers it needs to "lookup" the relation on other retrieved property as well. So you have calls like this:

                   // Show stores
                    let stores = await Store.find().populate({
                      path: 'items',
                      populate: { path: 'itemId' }

                  清单 3 - 在服务器上使用 Modern Features 来实现

                  因此,根据所采用的方法,使用数组或中间集合来存储关系数据作为文档中不断增长的数组"的替代方法,那么您应该注意的显而易见的事情是 .使用的 populate() 调用实际上是对 MongoDB 进行额外的查询,并在单独的请求中通过网络拉取这些文档.

                  Listing 3 - Use Modern Features to do it on the server

                  So depending on which approach taken, being using arrays or an intermediary collection to store the relation data in as an alternative to "growing arrays" within the documents, then the obvious thing you should be noting is that the .populate() calls used are actually making additional queries to MongoDB and pulling those documents over the network in separate requests.


                  This might appear all well and fine in small doses, however as things scale up and especially over volumes of requests, this is never a good thing. Additionally there might well be other conditions you want to apply that means you don't need to pull all the documents from the server, and would rather match data from those "relations" before you returned results.

                  这就是为什么现代 MongoDB 版本包含 $lookup 实际上加入"服务器本身的数据.到目前为止,您应该已经查看了这些 API 调用产生的所有输出,如 mongoose.set('debug',true) 所示.

                  This is why modern MongoDB releases include $lookup which actually "joins" the data on the server itself. By now you should have been looking at all the output those API calls produce as shown by mongoose.set('debug',true).


                  So instead of producing multiple queries, this time we make it one aggregation statement to "join" on the server, and return the results in one request:

                  // Show Stores
                  let stores = await Store.aggregate([
                    { '$lookup': {
                      'from': StoreItem.collection.name,
                      'let': { 'id': '$_id' },
                      'pipeline': [
                        { '$match': {
                          '$expr': { '$eq': [ '$$id', '$storeId' ] }
                        { '$lookup': {
                          'from': Item.collection.name,
                          'let': { 'itemId': '$itemId' },
                          'pipeline': [
                            { '$match': {
                              '$expr': { '$eq': [ '$_id', '$$itemId' ] }
                          'as': 'items'
                        { '$unwind': '$items' },
                        { '$replaceRoot': { 'newRoot': '$items' } }
                      'as': 'items'


                  Which whilst longer in coding, is actually far superior in efficiency even for the very trivial action right here. This of course scales considerably.


                  Following the same "intermediary" model as before ( and just for example, because it could be done either way ) we have a full listing:

                  const { Schema } = mongoose = require('mongoose');
                  const uri = 'mongodb://localhost:27017/manydemo',
                        options = { useNewUrlParser: true };
                  mongoose.Promise = global.Promise;
                  mongoose.set('debug', true);
                  mongoose.set('useFindAndModify', false);
                  mongoose.set('useCreateIndex', true);
                  const itemSchema = new Schema({
                    name: String
                  }, {
                    toJSON: { virtuals: true }
                  itemSchema.virtual('stores', {
                    ref: 'StoreItem',
                    localField: '_id',
                    foreignField: 'itemId'
                  const storeSchema = new Schema({
                    name: String
                  }, {
                    toJSON: { virtuals: true }
                  storeSchema.virtual('items', {
                    ref: 'StoreItem',
                    localField: '_id',
                    foreignField: 'storeId'
                  const storeItemSchema = new Schema({
                    storeId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Store', required: true },
                    itemId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Item', required: true }
                  const Item = mongoose.model('Item', itemSchema);
                  const Store = mongoose.model('Store', storeSchema);
                  const StoreItem = mongoose.model('StoreItem', storeItemSchema);
                  const log = data => console.log(JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 2));
                  (async function() {
                    try {
                      const conn = await mongoose.connect(uri, options);
                      // Clean data
                      await Promise.all(
                        Object.entries(conn.models).map(([k,m]) => m.deleteMany())
                      // Create some instances
                      let [toothpaste, brush] = await Item.insertMany(
                        ['toothpaste', 'brush'].map(name => ({ name }) )
                      let [billsStore, tedsStore] = await Store.insertMany(
                        ['Bills', 'Teds'].map( name => ({ name }) )
                      // Add toothpaste to both stores
                      for ( let { _id: storeId }  of [billsStore, tedsStore] ) {
                        await StoreItem.updateOne(
                          { storeId, itemId: toothpaste._id },
                          { },
                          { 'upsert': true }
                      // Add brush to billsStore
                      await StoreItem.updateOne(
                        { storeId: billsStore._id, itemId: brush._id },
                        { },
                        { 'upsert': true }
                      // Show Stores
                      let stores = await Store.aggregate([
                        { '$lookup': {
                          'from': StoreItem.collection.name,
                          'let': { 'id': '$_id' },
                          'pipeline': [
                            { '$match': {
                              '$expr': { '$eq': [ '$$id', '$storeId' ] }
                            { '$lookup': {
                              'from': Item.collection.name,
                              'let': { 'itemId': '$itemId' },
                              'pipeline': [
                                { '$match': {
                                  '$expr': { '$eq': [ '$_id', '$$itemId' ] }
                              'as': 'items'
                            { '$unwind': '$items' },
                            { '$replaceRoot': { 'newRoot': '$items' } }
                          'as': 'items'
                      // Show Items
                      let items = await Item.aggregate([
                        { '$lookup': {
                          'from': StoreItem.collection.name,
                          'let': { 'id': '$_id' },
                          'pipeline': [
                            { '$match': {
                              '$expr': { '$eq': [ '$$id', '$itemId' ] }
                            { '$lookup': {
                              'from': Store.collection.name,
                              'let': { 'storeId': '$storeId' },
                              'pipeline': [
                                { '$match': {
                                  '$expr': { '$eq': [ '$_id', '$$storeId' ] }
                              'as': 'stores',
                            { '$unwind': '$stores' },
                            { '$replaceRoot': { 'newRoot': '$stores' } }
                          'as': 'stores'
                    } catch(e) {
                    } finally {


                  Mongoose: stores.aggregate([ { '$lookup': { from: 'storeitems', let: { id: '$_id' }, pipeline: [ { '$match': { '$expr': { '$eq': [ '$$id', '$storeId' ] } } }, { '$lookup': { from: 'items', let: { itemId: '$itemId' }, pipeline: [ { '$match': { '$expr': { '$eq': [ '$_id', '$$itemId' ] } } } ], as: 'items' } }, { '$unwind': '$items' }, { '$replaceRoot': { newRoot: '$items' } } ], as: 'items' } } ], {})
                      "_id": "5ca7210717dadc69652b37da",
                      "name": "Bills",
                      "__v": 0,
                      "items": [
                          "_id": "5ca7210717dadc69652b37d8",
                          "name": "toothpaste",
                          "__v": 0
                          "_id": "5ca7210717dadc69652b37d9",
                          "name": "brush",
                          "__v": 0
                      "_id": "5ca7210717dadc69652b37db",
                      "name": "Teds",
                      "__v": 0,
                      "items": [
                          "_id": "5ca7210717dadc69652b37d8",
                          "name": "toothpaste",
                          "__v": 0
                  Mongoose: items.aggregate([ { '$lookup': { from: 'storeitems', let: { id: '$_id' }, pipeline: [ { '$match': { '$expr': { '$eq': [ '$$id', '$itemId' ] } } }, { '$lookup': { from: 'stores', let: { storeId: '$storeId' }, pipeline: [ { '$match': { '$expr': { '$eq': [ '$_id', '$$storeId' ] } } } ], as: 'stores' } }, { '$unwind': '$stores' }, { '$replaceRoot': { newRoot: '$stores' } } ], as: 'stores' } } ], {})
                      "_id": "5ca7210717dadc69652b37d8",
                      "name": "toothpaste",
                      "__v": 0,
                      "stores": [
                          "_id": "5ca7210717dadc69652b37da",
                          "name": "Bills",
                          "__v": 0
                          "_id": "5ca7210717dadc69652b37db",
                          "name": "Teds",
                          "__v": 0
                      "_id": "5ca7210717dadc69652b37d9",
                      "name": "brush",
                      "__v": 0,
                      "stores": [
                          "_id": "5ca7210717dadc69652b37da",
                          "name": "Bills",
                          "__v": 0


                  What should be obvious is the significant reduction in the queries issued on the end to return the "joined" form of the data. This means lower latency and more responsive applications as a result of removing all the network overhead.


                  Those a are generally your approaches to dealing with "many to many" relations, which essentially comes down to either:

                  • 在每个文档的任一侧保留数组,保存对相关项目的引用.

                  • Keeping arrays in each document on either side holding the references to the related items.


                  Storing an intermediary collection and using that as a lookup reference to retrieving the other data.

                  在所有情况下,如果您希望事情在双向"上起作用,则由您实际存储这些引用.当然 $lookup 甚至"virtuals",这意味着您并不总是需要存储在每个源上,因为您可以只在一个地方引用"并通过应用这些方法来使用该信息.

                  In all cases it is up to you to actually store those references if you expect things to work on "both directions". Of course $lookup and even "virtuals" where that applies means that you don't always need to store on every source since you could then "reference" in just one place and use that information by applying those methods.

                  另一种情况当然是嵌入",这是一个完全不同的游戏,以及 MongoDB 等面向文档的数据库的真正意义所在.因此,这个概念当然不是从另一个集合中获取",而是嵌入"数据.

                  The other case is of course "embedding", which is an entirely different game and what document oriented databases such as MongoDB are really all about. Therefore instead of "fetching from another collection" the concept is of course to "embed" the data.

                  这不仅意味着指向其他项目的 ObjectId 值,而且实际上将完整数据存储在每个文档的数组中.当然存在大小"问题,当然还有在多个地方更新数据的问题.这通常是一个单个请求和一个简单请求的权衡,不需要去其他集合中查找数据,因为它已经存在".

                  This means not just the ObjectId values that point to the other items, but actually storing the full data within arrays in each document. There is of course an issue of "size" and of course issues with updating data in multiple places. This is generally the trade off for there being a single request and a simple request that does not need to go and find data in other collections because it's "already there".

                  关于引用与嵌入的主题有很多材料.一旦这样的摘要来源是 Mongoose 填充 vs 对象嵌套,甚至是非常通用的 MongoDB 关系:嵌入还是引用? 等等.

                  There is plenty of material around on the subject of referencing vs embedding. Once such summary source is Mongoose populate vs object nesting or even the very general MongoDB relationships: embed or reference? and many many others.

                  您应该花一些时间来思考这些概念以及如何将其应用于您的一般应用程序.请注意,您实际上并没有在这里使用 RDBMS,因此您最好使用您打算利用的正确功能,而不是简单地让一个行为像另一个一样.

                  You should spend some time thinking about the concepts and how this applies to your application in general. And note that you are not actually using an RDBMS here, so you might as well use the correct features that you are meant to exploit, rather than simply making one act like the other.

                  这篇关于Mongoose 多对多的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:NoSQL 数据结构,用于使用 Firebase 和查询选择字段 下一篇:Crystal Reports 2008 支持哪些 HTML 标记



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