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        在 Angular 2/Typescript 中使用 IScroll


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                  本文介绍了在 Angular 2/Typescript 中使用 IScroll的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                  我想使用一个名为 iscroll 的 Javascript 库.

                  i want to use a Javascript Libary called iscroll.

                  到目前为止,我得到了 iscroll.d.ts,现在我想使用它,但我是 typescript 的新手,不知道该怎么做.

                  So far i got the iscroll.d.ts and now i want to use it, but iam new at typescript and dont know how to do that.

                  我的 iscroll.d.ts 看起来像这样:

                  My iscroll.d.ts looks like this:

                  // Generated by typings
                  // Source: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/types/typed-iscroll/8524f7c88e521c16462553173c9ea99e9e3d477c/iscroll.d.ts
                  declare module 'iscroll' {
                  class IScroll {
                    version: string;
                    constructor(element: string | HTMLElement, options?: IScroll.IScrollOptions);
                    destroy(): void;
                    resetPosition(time: number): boolean;
                    disable(): void;
                    enable(): void;
                    refresh(): void;
                    scrollTo(x: number, y: number, time?: number, easing?: IScroll.IScrollEaseOption): void;
                    scrollBy(x: number, y: number, time?: number, easing?: IScroll.IScrollEaseOption): void;
                    scrollToElement(el: HTMLElement | string, time?: number, offsetX?: number, offsetY?: number, easing?: IScroll.IScrollEaseOption): void;
                    goToPage(x: number, y: number, time?: number, easing?: IScroll.IScrollEaseOption): void;
                    prev(): void;
                    next(): void;
                    zoom(scale: number, x: number, y: number, time?: number): void;
                    refresh(): void;
                    destroy(): void;
                    utils: IScroll.IScrollUtils;
                    // Events
                    on(type: 'beforeScrollStart' |
                      'scrollCancel' |
                      'scrollStart' |
                      'scrollEnd' |
                      'flick' |
                      'zoomStart' |
                      'zoomEnd', fn: (evt?: any) => void): void;
                    off(type: string, fn?: (evt?: any) => void): void;
                  namespace IScroll {
                    export interface IScrollIndicatorOptions {
                      el?: HTMLElement | string;
                      fade?: boolean;
                      ignoreBoundaries?: boolean;
                      interactive?: boolean;
                      listenX?: boolean;
                      listenY?: boolean;
                      resize?: boolean;
                      shrink?: boolean;
                      speedRatioX?: number;
                      speedRatioY?: number;
                    export interface IScrollKeyBindings {
                      pageUp?: number | string,
                      pageDown: number | string;
                      end: number | string;
                      home: number | string;
                      left: number | string;
                      up: number | string;
                      right: number | string;
                      down: number | string;
                    export interface IScrollOptions {
                      indicators?: IScrollIndicatorOptions;
                      // Scrollbar
                      scrollbars?: boolean | string;
                      fadeScrollbars?: boolean;
                      interactiveScrollbars?: boolean;
                      resizeScrollbars?: boolean;
                      shrinkScrollbars?: boolean;
                      // Zoom
                      zoom?: boolean;
                      zoomMin?: number;
                      zoomMax?: number;
                      startZoom?: number;
                      wheelAction?: string;
                      snap?: boolean | string;
                      bindToWrapper?: boolean;
                      bounceEasing?: string | IScrollEaseOption;
                      bounceTime?: number;
                      deceleration?: number;
                      mouseWheelSpeed?: number;
                      preventDefaultException?: any;
                      resizePolling?: number;
                      probeType?: number;
                      keyBindings?: boolean | IScrollKeyBindings;
                      useTransform?: boolean;
                      useTransition?: boolean;
                      HWCompositing?: boolean;
                      bounce?: boolean;
                      click?: boolean;
                      disableMouse?: boolean;
                      disablePointer?: boolean;
                      disableTouch?: boolean;
                      eventPassthrough?: boolean;
                      freeScroll?: boolean;
                      invertWheelDirection?: boolean;
                      momentum?: boolean;
                      mouseWheel?: boolean;
                      preventDefault?: boolean;
                      tap?: boolean | string;
                      scrollX?: number;
                      scrollY?: number;
                      startX?: number;
                      startY?: number;
                      // Infinite options
                      infiniteElements: HTMLElement | 'string';
                      cacheSize: number;
                      dataset: (start: number, count: number) => Object[];
                    export interface IScrollEaseOption {
                      style: 'string';
                      fn: Function;
                    export interface IScrollEaseOptions {
                      quadratic: IScrollEaseOption;
                      circular: IScrollEaseOption;
                      back: IScrollEaseOption;
                      bounce: IScrollEaseOption;
                      elastic: IScrollEaseOption;
                    export interface IScrollUtils {
                      ease: IScrollEaseOptions;
                  export = IScroll;

                  我的 Angular 2 page.ts 看起来像这样:

                  And my Angular 2 page.ts looks like this:

                  import {NavController} from "ionic-angular";
                  import {AngularFire, AuthProviders, AuthMethods } from "angularfire2";
                  import {OnInit, Inject, Component} from "@angular/core";
                  import {UserService} from '../../../services/UserService';
                  import {AuthPage} from "../home/home";
                  import { IScroll } from "iscroll"
                      templateUrl: "build/pages/auth/onboarding/onboarding.html",
                      providers: [UserService]
                  export class OnboardingPage {
                      iScroll: IScroll;
                      onboardingStep: number = 1;

                  到目前为止,导入工作正常,但我不知道如何初始化和使用 iscroll.

                  The Import works fine so far, i think but i dont know how to init and use iscroll.


                  Hope some of you got any tips how to bring that to life :)


                  您可以像在普通的旧 javascript 中使用它一样使用它,不同之处在于您还可以包含类型.

                  You use it just like you'd use it in plain old javascript, with the difference that you can also include types.


                  For example, javascript:

                  let myScroll = new IScroll("#CONTAINER_ID");


                  let myScroll: IScroll = new IScroll("#CONTAINER_ID");

                  (注意 :IScroll 不是必需的,编译器可以推断类型,但我添加它是为了说明一点)

                  (notice that the : IScroll isn't needed, the compiler can infer the type, but I added it to make a point)


                  export class OnboardingPage {
                      iScroll: IScroll;
                      constructor() {
                          this.iScroll = new IScroll("#CONTAINER_ID");

                  此代码基于他们的文档(https://github.com/cubiq/iscroll)但根据您发布的 .d.ts 文件,它需要使用 iscroll 命名空间:

                  This code is based on their documentation (https://github.com/cubiq/iscroll) but according to the .d.ts file you posted it requires to use the iscroll namespace:

                  let myScroll = new iscroll.IScroll("#CONTAINER_ID");


                  这篇关于在 Angular 2/Typescript 中使用 IScroll的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:Anime.js 在 Ionic 3 项目中不起作用 下一篇:没有了



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