哪些因素决定了 multiprocessing.Pool.map()
等方法的最佳 chunksize
例如 - 说我是:
传递给具有约 1500 万个元素的 .map()
;该图显示了对 pool.map()
的示例调用,沿一行代码显示,取自 multiprocessing.pool.worker
函数,其中一个任务从 inqueue
是 pool-worker-process 的 MainThread
中的底层主函数.在 pool-method 中指定的 func
-argument 将只匹配 worker
-function 中的 func
-变量,用于像 apply_async
和 imap
与 chunksize=1
.对于具有 chunksize
参数的池方法的其余部分,处理函数 func
或 starmapstar
).此函数将用户指定的 func
虽然 whole 处理一个块的任务"一词的使用与 multiprocessing.pool
中的代码相匹配,但没有迹象表明 >单次调用到用户指定的func
,其中一个作为参数的块元素,应该被引用.为了避免命名冲突引起的混淆(想想 Pool 的 __init__
方法的 maxtasksperchild
-参数),这个答案将参考任务中的单个工作单元为 taskel.
taskel(来自task + element)是task 中最小的工作单元.它是由 Pool
方法的 func
参数指定的函数的单次执行,使用从 单个元素 获得的参数调用传输的块.task 由 chunksize
taskels 组成.
并行化开销 (PO)
PO 由 Python 内部开销和进程间通信 (IPC) 开销组成.Python 中的每个任务开销伴随着打包和解包任务及其结果所需的代码.IPC 开销伴随着必要的线程同步和不同地址空间之间的数据复制(需要两个复制步骤:父 -> 队列 -> 子).IPC 开销的数量取决于操作系统、硬件和数据大小,这使得很难对影响进行概括.
记住 chunksize cs_pool1
仍然缺少 extra
调整,而 divmod
的其余部分包含在 cs_pool2
如果额外:块大小 += 1
现在,如果存在 余数(divmod 操作中的 extra
),将块大小增加 1 显然不能适用于每个任务.毕竟,如果有的话,就没有余数了.
现在的真实因素从 below 4
向 4
和 len_iterable=500
的标准偏差从 rf_pool1
的 0.5233
下降到 0.4115
最终,将 chunksize
增加 1 的效果是,最后传输的任务的大小仅为 len_iterable % chunksize 或 chunksize
).对于足够长的迭代,Pool 完成的 chunksize-algorithm(下图中的 n_pool2
)会将 chunk 的数量稳定在 n_chunks == n_workers * 4
.相比之下,朴素算法(在初始 burp 之后)随着迭代长度的增长不断在 n_chunks == n_workers
和 n_chunks == n_workers + 1
# mp_utils.py从集合导入命名元组块信息 = 命名元组('Chunkinfo', ['n_workers', 'len_iterable', 'n_chunks','块大小','last_chunk'])def calc_chunksize_info(n_workers, len_iterable, 因子=4):"""计算块大小数."""块大小,额外 = divmod(len_iterable,n_workers * 因子)如果额外:块大小 += 1# `+ (len_iterable % chunksize > 0)` 利用 `True == 1`n_chunks = len_iterable//块大小 + (len_iterable % chunksize > 0)# 利用 `0 == False`last_chunk = len_iterable % 块大小或块大小返回块信息(n_workers, len_iterable, n_chunks, chunksize, last_chunk)
不要被 calc_naive_chunksize_info
中的 extra
def calc_naive_chunksize_info(n_workers, len_iterable):"""计算简单的块大小数字."""块大小,额外 = divmod(len_iterable,n_workers)如果块大小 == 0:块大小 = 1n_chunks = 额外的last_chunk = 块大小别的:n_chunks = len_iterable//块大小 + (len_iterable % chunksize > 0)last_chunk = len_iterable % 块大小或块大小返回块信息(n_workers, len_iterable, n_chunks, chunksize, last_chunk)
现在,在我们看到 Pool
的 chunksize-algorithm 的输出与朴素算法的输出相比看起来有何不同...
如上一章所示,对于更长的可迭代对象(更大数量的任务),Pool 的块大小算法大约将可迭代对象分成比天真的方法.更小的块意味着更多的任务,更多的任务意味着更多的并行化开销(PO),必须权衡增加调度灵活性的好处(回忆块大小的风险>1").
由于相当明显的原因,Pool 的基本块大小算法无法为我们权衡调度灵活性与 PO.IPC 开销取决于操作系统、硬件和数据大小.该算法不知道我们在什么硬件上运行我们的代码,也不知道任务需要多长时间才能完成.这是一种为所有可能的场景提供基本功能的启发式方法.这意味着它无法针对任何特定场景进行优化.如前所述,随着每个任务的计算时间增加(负相关),PO 也变得越来越不受关注.
当您回想起第 2 章中的并行化目标时,其中一个要点是:
前面提到的东西,Pool的chunksize-algorithm可以尝试改进的是最小化idling worker-processes,分别是cpu 核心的使用率.
一个关于 multiprocessing.Pool
的重复性问题是人们想知道在您期望所有工作进程都忙的情况下未使用的内核/空闲工作进程的问题.虽然这可能有很多原因,但在计算结束时空闲的工作进程是我们经常可以观察到的,即使在 密集场景(每个任务的计算时间相等)的情况下,工人的数量不是块数的除数 (n_chunks % n_workers > 0
为了在这里获得更深入的见解,我们需要一种并行计算的抽象形式,它将过于复杂的现实简化为可管理的复杂程度,同时在定义的边界内保持重要性.这样的抽象称为模型.如果要收集数据,这种并行化模型"(PM) 的实现会像实际计算一样生成工作映射元数据(时间戳).模型生成的元数据允许在某些约束下预测并行计算的指标.
此处定义的 PM 中的两个子模型之一是 Distribution Model (DM).DM 解释了原子工作单元(taskels)如何分布在 并行工作人员和时间上,除了相应的块大小算法、工作人员数量、输入可迭代(任务的数量)及其计算持续时间被考虑在内.这意味着不包括任何形式的开销.
为了得到一个完整的PM,DM扩展了一个Overhead Model (OM),代表了各种形式的并行化开销 (PO).这样的模型需要为每个节点单独校准(硬件、操作系统依赖).OM 中表示的开销形式有多少是开放的,因此可以存在具有不同复杂程度的多个 OM.实现的 OM 需要哪个准确度级别由特定计算的 PO 的整体权重决定.更短的任务导致 PO 的权重更高,如果我们试图预测 并行化效率,这反过来需要更精确的 OM(PE).
<小时>Parallel Schedule 是并行计算的二维表示,其中 x 轴表示时间,y 轴表示并行工作池.工作人员的数量和总计算时间标志着一个矩形的延伸,其中绘制了较小的矩形.这些较小的矩形代表原子工作单元(taskels).
您可以在下面找到 PS 的可视化效果,该图像使用来自 Dense Scenario 的 Pool 块大小算法的 DM 的数据..p>
在一个包含OM的完整PM中,Idling Share不仅限于尾部,还包括任务之间的空间,甚至任务之间.
上述所有效率基本上都是通过计算除法的商得到的Busy Share/Parallel Schedule.DE 和 PE 之间的区别在于 Busy Share对于开销扩展的PM,占用整个并行计划的较小部分.
这个答案将进一步讨论一种简单的方法来计算密集场景的 DE.这足以比较不同的块大小算法,因为...
<块引用>绝对分配效率 (ADE) = Busy Share/Parallel Schedule
# mp_utils.pydef calc_ade(n_workers, len_iterable, n_chunks, chunksize, last_chunk):"""计算绝对分配效率 (ADE).`len_iterable` 未使用,但包含以保持一致的签名与`calc_rde`."""如果 n_workers == 1:返回 1潜力 = (((n_chunks//n_workers + (n_chunks % n_workers > 1)) * chunksize)+ (n_chunks % n_workers == 1) * last_chunk) * n_workersn_full_chunks = n_chunks - (chunksize > last_chunk)taskels_in_regular_chunks = n_full_chunks * 块大小真实 = taskels_in_regular_chunks + (chunksize > last_chunk) * last_chunkade = 真实/潜在回报
如果没有空闲共享,忙碌共享将等于并行调度,因此我们得到ADE 为 100%.在我们的简化模型中,这是一个所有可用进程在处理所有任务所需的全部时间内都处于忙碌状态的场景.换句话说,整个作业被有效地并行化到 100%.
但为什么我在这里一直把 PE 称为 absolute PE?
为了理解这一点,我们必须考虑一种可能的块大小 (cs) 情况,以确保最大的调度灵活性(还有可能存在的 Highlander 的数量.巧合?):
<块引用>__________________________________~ 一个 ~__________________________________
If we, for example, have four worker-processes and 37 taskels, there will be idling workers even with chunksize=1
, just because n_workers=4
is not a divisor of 37. The remainder of dividing 37/4 is 1. This single remaining taskel will have to be processed by a sole worker, while the remaining three are idling.
Likewise, there will still be one idling worker with 39 taskels, how you can see pictured below.
When you compare the upper Parallel Schedule for chunksize=1
with the below version for chunksize=3
, you will notice that the upper Parallel Schedule is smaller, the timeline on the x-axis shorter. It should become obvious now, how bigger chunksizes unexpectedly also can lead to increased overall computation times, even for Dense Scenarios.
But why not just use the length of the x-axis for efficiency calculations?
Because the overhead is not contained in this model. It will be different for both chunksizes, hence the x-axis is not really directly comparable. The overhead can still lead to a longer total computation time like shown in case 2 from the figure below.
<小时>The ADE value does not contain the information if a better distribution of taskels is possible with chunksize set to 1. Better here still means a smaller Idling Share.
To get a DE value adjusted for the maximum possible DE, we have to divide the considered ADE through the ADE we get for chunksize=1
Relative Distribution Efficiency (RDE) = ADE_cs_x/ADE_cs_1
Here is how this looks in code:
# mp_utils.pydef calc_rde(n_workers, len_iterable, n_chunks, chunksize, last_chunk):"""Calculate Relative Distribution Efficiency (RDE)."""ade_cs1 = calc_ade(n_workers, len_iterable, n_chunks=len_iterable,chunksize=1, last_chunk=1)ade = calc_ade(n_workers, len_iterable, n_chunks, chunksize, last_chunk)rde = ade/ade_cs1return rde
RDE, how defined here, in essence is a tale about the tail of a Parallel Schedule. RDE is influenced by the maximum effective chunksize contained in the tail. (This tail can be of x-axis length chunksize
or last_chunk
.)This has the consequence, that RDE naturally converges to 100% (even) for all sorts of "tail-looks" like shown in the figure below.
A low RDE ...
Please find Part II of this answer here.
What factors determine an optimal chunksize
argument to methods like multiprocessing.Pool.map()
? The .map()
method seems to use an arbitrary heuristic for its default chunksize (explained below); what motivates that choice and is there a more thoughtful approach based on some particular situation/setup?
Example - say that I am:
to .map()
that has ~15 million elements;processes = os.cpu_count()
within multiprocessing.Pool()
.My naive thinking is to give each of 24 workers an equally-sized chunk, i.e. 15_000_000 / 24
or 625,000. Large chunks should reduce turnover/overhead while fully utilizing all workers. But it seems that this is missing some potential downsides of giving large batches to each worker. Is this an incomplete picture, and what am I missing?
Part of my question stems from the default logic for if chunksize=None
: both .map()
and .starmap()
call .map_async()
, which looks like this:
def _map_async(self, func, iterable, mapper, chunksize=None, callback=None,
# ... (materialize `iterable` to list if it's an iterator)
if chunksize is None:
chunksize, extra = divmod(len(iterable), len(self._pool) * 4) # ????
if extra:
chunksize += 1
if len(iterable) == 0:
chunksize = 0
What's the logic behind divmod(len(iterable), len(self._pool) * 4)
? This implies that the chunksize will be closer to 15_000_000 / (24 * 4) == 156_250
. What's the intention in multiplying len(self._pool)
by 4?
This makes the resulting chunksize a factor of 4 smaller than my "naive logic" from above, which consists of just dividing the length of the iterable by number of workers in pool._pool
Lastly, there is also this snippet from the Python docs on .imap()
that further drives my curiosity:
argument is the same as the one used by themap()
method. For very long iterables using a large value forchunksize
can make the job complete much faster than using the default value of 1.
Related answer that is helpful but a bit too high-level: Python multiprocessing: why are large chunksizes slower?.
Pool's chunksize-algorithm is a heuristic. It provides a simple solution for all imaginable problem scenarios you are trying to stuff into Pool's methods. As a consequence, it cannot be optimized for any specific scenario.
The algorithm arbitrarily divides the iterable in approximately four times more chunks than the naive approach. More chunks mean more overhead, but increased scheduling flexibility. How this answer will show, this leads to a higher worker-utilization on average, but without the guarantee of a shorter overall computation time for every case.
"That's nice to know" you might think, "but how does knowing this help me with my concrete multiprocessing problems?" Well, it doesn't. The more honest short answer is, "there is no short answer", "multiprocessing is complex" and "it depends". An observed symptom can have different roots, even for similar scenarios.
This answer tries to provide you with basic concepts helping you to get a clearer picture of Pool's scheduling black box. It also tries to give you some basic tools at hand for recognizing and avoiding potential cliffs as far they are related to chunksize.
Table of Contents
Part I
Quantifying Algorithm Efficiency
6.1 Models
6.2 Parallel Schedule
6.3 Efficiencies
6.3.1 Absolute Distribution Efficiency (ADE)
6.3.2 Relative Distribution Efficiency (RDE)
Part II
It is necessary to clarify some important terms first.
A chunk here is a share of the iterable
-argument specified in a pool-method call. How the chunksize gets calculated and what effects this can have, is the topic of this answer.
A task's physical representation in a worker-process in terms of data can be seen in the figure below.
The figure shows an example call to pool.map()
, displayed along a line of code, taken from the multiprocessing.pool.worker
function, where a task read from the inqueue
gets unpacked. worker
is the underlying main-function in the MainThread
of a pool-worker-process. The func
-argument specified in the pool-method will only match the func
-variable inside the worker
-function for single-call methods like apply_async
and for imap
with chunksize=1
. For the rest of the pool-methods with a chunksize
-parameter the processing-function func
will be a mapper-function (mapstar
or starmapstar
). This function maps the user-specified func
-parameter on every element of the transmitted chunk of the iterable (--> "map-tasks"). The time this takes, defines a task also as a unit of work.
While the usage of the word "task" for the whole processing of one chunk is matched by code within multiprocessing.pool
, there is no indication how a single call to the user-specified func
, with one
element of the chunk as argument(s), should be referred to. To avoid confusion emerging from naming conflicts (think of maxtasksperchild
-parameter for Pool's __init__
-method), this answer will refer to
the single units of work within a task as taskel.
A taskel (from task + element) is the smallest unit of work within a task. It is the single execution of the function specified with the
-parameter of aPool
-method, called with arguments obtained from a single element of the transmitted chunk. A task consists ofchunksize
Parallelization Overhead (PO)
PO consists of Python-internal overhead and overhead for inter-process communication (IPC). The per-task overhead within Python comes with the code needed for packaging and unpacking the tasks and its results. IPC-overhead comes with the necessary synchronization of threads and the copying of data between different address spaces (two copy steps needed: parent -> queue -> child). The amount of IPC-overhead is OS-, hardware- and data-size dependent, what makes generalizations about the impact difficult.
When using multiprocessing, our overall goal (obviously) is to minimize total processing time for all tasks. To reach this overall goal, our technical goal needs to be optimizing the utilization of hardware resources.
Some important sub-goals for achieving the technical goal are:
At first, the tasks need to be computationally heavy (intensive) enough, to earn back the PO we have to pay for parallelization. The relevance of PO decreases with increasing absolute computation time per taskel. Or, to put it the other way around, the bigger the absolute computation time per taskel for your problem, the less relevant gets the need for reducing PO. If your computation will take hours per taskel, the IPC overhead will be negligible in comparison. The primary concern here is to prevent idling worker processes after all tasks have been distributed. Keeping all cores loaded means, we are parallelizing as much as possible.
What factors determine an optimal chunksize argument to methods like multiprocessing.Pool.map()
The major factor in question is how much computation time may vary across our single taskels. To name it, the choice for an optimal chunksize is determined by the Coefficient of Variation (CV) for computation times per taskel.
The two extreme scenarios on a scale, following from the extent of this variation are:
For better memorability, I will refer to these scenarios as:
In a Dense Scenario it would be desirable to distribute all taskels at once, to keep necessary IPC and context switching at a minimum. This means we want to create only as much chunks, as much worker processes there are. How already stated above, the weight of PO increases with shorter computation times per taskel.
For maximal throughput, we also want all worker processes busy until all tasks are processed (no idling workers). For this goal, the distributed chunks should be of equal size or close to.
The prime example for a Wide Scenario would be an optimization problem, where results either converge quickly or computation can take hours, if not days. Usually it is not predictable what mixture of "light taskels" and "heavy taskels" a task will contain in such a case, hence it's not advisable to distribute too many taskels in a task-batch at once. Distributing less taskels at once than possible, means increasing scheduling flexibility. This is needed here to reach our sub-goal of high utilization of all cores.
If Pool
methods, by default, would be totally optimized for the Dense Scenario, they would increasingly create suboptimal timings for every problem located closer to the Wide Scenario.
Consider this simplified pseudo-code example of a Wide Scenario-iterable, which we want to pass into a pool-method:
good_luck_iterable = [60, 60, 86400, 60, 86400, 60, 60, 84600]
Instead of the actual values, we pretend to see the needed computation time in seconds, for simplicity only 1 minute or 1 day.
We assume the pool has four worker processes (on four cores) and chunksize
is set to 2
. Because the order will be kept, the chunks send to the workers will be these:
[(60, 60), (86400, 60), (86400, 60), (60, 84600)]
Since we have enough workers and the computation time is high enough, we can say, that every worker process will get a chunk to work on in the first place. (This does not have to be the case for fast completing tasks). Further we can say, the whole processing will take about 86400+60 seconds, because that's the highest total computation time for a chunk in this artificial scenario and we distribute chunks only once.
Now consider this iterable, which has only one element switching its position compared to the previous iterable:
bad_luck_iterable = [60, 60, 86400, 86400, 60, 60, 60, 84600]
...and the corresponding chunks:
[(60, 60), (86400, 86400), (60, 60), (60, 84600)]
Just bad luck with the sorting of our iterable nearly doubled (86400+86400) our total processing time! The worker getting the vicious (86400, 86400)-chunk is blocking the second heavy taskel in its task from getting distributed to one of the idling workers already finished with their (60, 60)-chunks. We obviously would not risk such an unpleasant outcome if we set chunksize=1
This is the risk of bigger chunksizes. With higher chunksizes we trade scheduling flexibility for less overhead and in cases like above, that's a bad deal.
How we will see in chapter 6. Quantifying Algorithm Efficiency, bigger chunksizes can also lead to suboptimal results for Dense Scenarios.
Below you will find a slightly modified version of the algorithm inside the source code. As you can see, I cut off the lower part and wrapped it into a function for calculating the chunksize
argument externally. I also replaced 4
with a factor
parameter and outsourced the len()
# mp_utils.py
def calc_chunksize(n_workers, len_iterable, factor=4):
"""Calculate chunksize argument for Pool-methods.
Resembles source-code within `multiprocessing.pool.Pool._map_async`.
chunksize, extra = divmod(len_iterable, n_workers * factor)
if extra:
chunksize += 1
return chunksize
To ensure we are all on the same page, here's what divmod
divmod(x, y)
is a builtin function which returns (x//y, x%y)
x // y
is the floor division, returning the down rounded quotient from x / y
, while
x % y
is the modulo operation returning the remainder from x / y
Hence e.g. divmod(10, 3)
returns (3, 1)
Now when you look at chunksize, extra = divmod(len_iterable, n_workers * 4)
, you will notice n_workers
here is the divisor y
in x / y
and multiplication by 4
, without further adjustment through if extra: chunksize +=1
later on, leads to an initial chunksize at least four times smaller (for len_iterable >= n_workers * 4
) than it would be otherwise.
For viewing the effect of multiplication by 4
on the intermediate chunksize result consider this function:
def compare_chunksizes(len_iterable, n_workers=4):
"""Calculate naive chunksize, Pool's stage-1 chunksize and the chunksize
for Pool's complete algorithm. Return chunksizes and the real factors by
which naive chunksizes are bigger.
cs_naive = len_iterable // n_workers or 1 # naive approach
cs_pool1 = len_iterable // (n_workers * 4) or 1 # incomplete pool algo.
cs_pool2 = calc_chunksize(n_workers, len_iterable)
real_factor_pool1 = cs_naive / cs_pool1
real_factor_pool2 = cs_naive / cs_pool2
return cs_naive, cs_pool1, cs_pool2, real_factor_pool1, real_factor_pool2
The function above calculates the naive chunksize (cs_naive
) and the first-step chunksize of Pool's chunksize-algorithm (cs_pool1
), as well as the chunksize for the complete Pool-algorithm (cs_pool2
). Further it calculates the real factors rf_pool1 = cs_naive / cs_pool1
and rf_pool2 = cs_naive / cs_pool2
, which tell us how many times the naively calculated chunksizes are bigger than Pool's internal version(s).
Below you see two figures created with output from this function. The left figure just shows the chunksizes for n_workers=4
up until an iterable length of 500
. The right figure shows the values for rf_pool1
. For iterable length 16
, the real factor becomes >=4
(for len_iterable >= n_workers * 4
) and it's maximum value is 7
for iterable lengths 28-31
. That's a massive deviation from the original factor 4
the algorithm converges to for longer iterables. 'Longer' here is relative and depends on the number of specified workers.
Remember chunksize cs_pool1
still lacks the extra
-adjustment with the remainder from divmod
contained in cs_pool2
from the complete algorithm.
The algorithm goes on with:
if extra:
chunksize += 1
Now in cases were there is a remainder (an extra
from the divmod-operation), increasing the chunksize by 1 obviously cannot work out for every task. After all, if it would, there would not be a remainder to begin with.
How you can see in the figures below, the "extra-treatment" has the effect, that the real factor for rf_pool2
now converges towards 4
from below 4
and the deviation is somewhat smoother. Standard deviation for n_workers=4
and len_iterable=500
drops from 0.5233
for rf_pool1
to 0.4115
for rf_pool2
Eventually, increasing chunksize
by 1 has the effect, that the last task transmitted only has a size of len_iterable % chunksize or chunksize
The more interesting and how we will see later, more consequential, effect of the extra-treatment however can be observed for the number of generated chunks (n_chunks
For long enough iterables, Pool's completed chunksize-algorithm (n_pool2
in the figure below) will stabilize the number of chunks at n_chunks == n_workers * 4
In contrast, the naive algorithm (after an initial burp) keeps alternating between n_chunks == n_workers
and n_chunks == n_workers + 1
as the length of the iterable grows.
Below you will find two enhanced info-functions for Pool's and the naive chunksize-algorithm. The output of these functions will be needed in the next chapter.
# mp_utils.py
from collections import namedtuple
Chunkinfo = namedtuple(
'Chunkinfo', ['n_workers', 'len_iterable', 'n_chunks',
'chunksize', 'last_chunk']
def calc_chunksize_info(n_workers, len_iterable, factor=4):
"""Calculate chunksize numbers."""
chunksize, extra = divmod(len_iterable, n_workers * factor)
if extra:
chunksize += 1
# `+ (len_iterable % chunksize > 0)` exploits that `True == 1`
n_chunks = len_iterable // chunksize + (len_iterable % chunksize > 0)
# exploit `0 == False`
last_chunk = len_iterable % chunksize or chunksize
return Chunkinfo(
n_workers, len_iterable, n_chunks, chunksize, last_chunk
Don't be confused by the probably unexpected look of calc_naive_chunksize_info
. The extra
from divmod
is not used for calculating the chunksize.
def calc_naive_chunksize_info(n_workers, len_iterable):
"""Calculate naive chunksize numbers."""
chunksize, extra = divmod(len_iterable, n_workers)
if chunksize == 0:
chunksize = 1
n_chunks = extra
last_chunk = chunksize
n_chunks = len_iterable // chunksize + (len_iterable % chunksize > 0)
last_chunk = len_iterable % chunksize or chunksize
return Chunkinfo(
n_workers, len_iterable, n_chunks, chunksize, last_chunk
Now, after we have seen how the output of Pool
's chunksize-algorithm looks different compared to output from the naive algorithm...
As shown in the previous chapter, for longer iterables (a bigger number of taskels), Pool's chunksize-algorithm approximately divides the iterable into four times more chunks than the naive method. Smaller chunks mean more tasks and more tasks mean more Parallelization Overhead (PO), a cost which must be weighed against the benefit of increased scheduling-flexibility (recall "Risks of Chunksize>1").
For rather obvious reasons, Pool's basic chunksize-algorithm cannot weigh scheduling-flexibility against PO for us. IPC-overhead is OS-, hardware- and data-size dependent. The algorithm cannot know on what hardware we run our code, nor does it have a clue how long a taskel will take to finish. It's a heuristic providing basic functionality for all possible scenarios. This means it cannot be optimized for any scenario in particular. As mentioned before, PO also becomes increasingly less of a concern with increasing computation times per taskel (negative correlation).
When you recall the Parallelization Goals from chapter 2, one bullet-point was:
The previously mentioned something, Pool's chunksize-algorithm can try to improve is the minimization of idling worker-processes, respectively the utilization of cpu-cores.
A repeating question on SO regarding multiprocessing.Pool
is asked by people wondering about unused cores / idling worker-processes in situations where you would expect all worker-processes busy. While this can have many reasons, idling worker-processes towards the end of a computation are an observation we can often make, even with Dense Scenarios (equal computation times per taskel) in cases where the number of workers is not a divisor of the number of chunks (n_chunks % n_workers > 0
The question now is:
How can we practically translate our understanding of chunksizes into something which enables us to explain observed worker-utilization, or even compare the efficiency of different algorithms in that regard?
For gaining deeper insights here, we need a form of abstraction of parallel computations which simplifies the overly complex reality down to a manageable degree of complexity, while preserving significance within defined boundaries. Such an abstraction is called a model. An implementation of such a "Parallelization Model" (PM) generates worker-mapped meta-data (timestamps) as real computations would, if the data were to be collected. The model-generated meta-data allows predicting metrics of parallel computations under certain constraints.
One of two sub-models within the here defined PM is the Distribution Model (DM). The DM explains how atomic units of work (taskels) are distributed over parallel workers and time, when no other factors than the respective chunksize-algorithm, the number of workers, the input-iterable (number of taskels) and their computation duration is considered. This means any form of overhead is not included.
For obtaining a complete PM, the DM is extended with an Overhead Model (OM), representing various forms of Parallelization Overhead (PO). Such a model needs to be calibrated for each node individually (hardware-, OS-dependencies). How many forms of overhead are represented in a OM is left open and so multiple OMs with varying degrees of complexity can exist. Which level of accuracy the implemented OM needs is determined by the overall weight of PO for the specific computation. Shorter taskels lead to a higher weight of PO, which in turn requires a more precise OM if we were attempting to predict Parallelization Efficiencies (PE).
The Parallel Schedule is a two-dimensional representation of the parallel computation, where the x-axis represents time and the y-axis represents a pool of parallel workers. The number of workers and the total computation time mark the extend of a rectangle, in which smaller rectangles are drawn in. These smaller rectangles represent atomic units of work (taskels).
Below you find the visualization of a PS drawn with data from the DM of Pool's chunksize-algorithm for the Dense Scenario.
The names for the composed parts can be seen in the picture below.
In a complete PM including an OM, the Idling Share is not limited to the tail, but also comprises space between tasks and even between taskels.
The Models introduced above allow quantifying the rate of worker-utilization. We can distinguish:
It's important to note, that calculated efficiencies do not automatically correlate with faster overall computation for a given parallelization problem. Worker-utilization in this context only distinguishes between a worker having a started, yet unfinished taskel and a worker not having such an "open" taskel. That means, possible idling during the time span of a taskel is not registered.
All above mentioned efficiencies are basically obtained by calculating the quotient of the division Busy Share / Parallel Schedule. The difference between DE and PE comes with the Busy Share occupying a smaller portion of the overall Parallel Schedule for the overhead-extended PM.
This answer will further only discuss a simple method to calculate DE for the Dense Scenario. This is sufficiently adequate to compare different chunksize-algorithms, since...
This basic efficiency can be calculated in general by dividing the Busy Share through the whole potential of the Parallel Schedule:
Absolute Distribution Efficiency (ADE) = Busy Share / Parallel Schedule
For the Dense Scenario, the simplified calculation-code looks like this:
# mp_utils.py
def calc_ade(n_workers, len_iterable, n_chunks, chunksize, last_chunk):
"""Calculate Absolute Distribution Efficiency (ADE).
`len_iterable` is not used, but contained to keep a consistent signature
with `calc_rde`.
if n_workers == 1:
return 1
potential = (
((n_chunks // n_workers + (n_chunks % n_workers > 1)) * chunksize)
+ (n_chunks % n_workers == 1) * last_chunk
) * n_workers
n_full_chunks = n_chunks - (chunksize > last_chunk)
taskels_in_regular_chunks = n_full_chunks * chunksize
real = taskels_in_regular_chunks + (chunksize > last_chunk) * last_chunk
ade = real / potential
return ade
If there is no Idling Share, Busy Share will be equal to Parallel Schedule, hence we get an ADE of 100%. In our simplified model, this is a scenario where all available processes will be busy through the whole time needed for processing all tasks. In other words, the whole job gets effectively parallelized to 100 percent.
But why do I keep referring to PE as absolute PE here?
To comprehend that, we have to consider a possible case for the chunksize (cs) which ensures maximal scheduling flexibility (also, the number of Highlanders there can be. Coincidence?):
__________________________________~ ONE ~__________________________________
If we, for example, have four worker-processes and 37 taskels, there will be idling workers even with chunksize=1
, just because n_workers=4
is not a divisor of 37. The remainder of dividing 37 / 4 is 1. This single remaining taskel will have to be processed by a sole worker, while the remaining three are idling.
Likewise, there will still be one idling worker with 39 taskels, how you can see pictured below.
When you compare the upper Parallel Schedule for chunksize=1
with the below version for chunksize=3
, you will notice that the upper Parallel Schedule is smaller, the timeline on the x-axis shorter. It should become obvious now, how bigger chunksizes unexpectedly also can lead to increased overall computation times, even for Dense Scenarios.
But why not just use the length of the x-axis for efficiency calculations?
Because the overhead is not contained in this model. It will be different for both chunksizes, hence the x-axis is not really directly comparable. The overhead can still lead to a longer total computation time like shown in case 2 from the figure below.
The ADE value does not contain the information if a better distribution of taskels is possible with chunksize set to 1. Better here still means a smaller Idling Share.
To get a DE value adjusted for the maximum possible DE, we have to divide the considered ADE through the ADE we get for chunksize=1
Relative Distribution Efficiency (RDE) = ADE_cs_x / ADE_cs_1
Here is how this looks in code:
# mp_utils.py
def calc_rde(n_workers, len_iterable, n_chunks, chunksize, last_chunk):
"""Calculate Relative Distribution Efficiency (RDE)."""
ade_cs1 = calc_ade(
n_workers, len_iterable, n_chunks=len_iterable,
chunksize=1, last_chunk=1
ade = calc_ade(n_workers, len_iterable, n_chunks, chunksize, last_chunk)
rde = ade / ade_cs1
return rde
RDE, how defined here, in essence is a tale about the tail of a Parallel Schedule. RDE is influenced by the maximum effective chunksize contained in the tail. (This tail can be of x-axis length chunksize
or last_chunk
This has the consequence, that RDE naturally converges to 100% (even) for all sorts of "tail-looks" like shown in the figure below.
A low RDE ...
Please find Part II of this answer here.