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      具有 HTML 内容格式的水晶报表


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                本文介绍了具有 HTML 内容格式的水晶报表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                你们中有人从事将 HTML 数据填充到水晶报表中的工作吗?

                Is anybody of you worked on HTML data populating into crystal reports?

                我正在使用 Visual Studio 2010.我有一个来自 DB 的 XML 数据.它能够使用 XSL 转换成 HTML.现在我的下一个任务是将它放入水晶报表中.

                Am using Visual studio 2010. I had an XML data coming from DB. Which am able to convert into HTML using XSL. Now my next task is to get it into crystal report.


                Any hint will be greatful. Because all the online resources are simply giving me results related to creating dataset and executing stored procedures etc.

                我能够将我的 HTML 内容提取到水晶报表中.现在嵌入式样式无法应用.我需要调整的任何线索?

                I was able to pull my HTML content to crystal report. Now the embedded styling was not able to get applied. Any clues whr do i need to tweak?





                Finally at last i found a breakthough and its very perfect in performance and quality of content.


                First whatever the content i want to , i will prepare a html string and

                要获取 PDF,请使用 WKHTMLTOPDF.exe要使用 HTML 准备图像,请使用 WKHTMLTOIMAGE.exe 和我在 byte[] 中创建的相同图像并添加新的水晶报告.

                To get a PDF use WKHTMLTOPDF.exe To prepare a image out of HTML use WKHTMLTOIMAGE.exe and the same image i created into a byte[] and added a new crystal report.

                然后 byte[] 将被输入到水晶报表中的控件.

                Then the byte[] will be feeded to the control dropped into crystal report.

                而且效果很好.不需要 itextsharp 或任何其他第三方命令工具来打印图像、打印 pdf 和打印 html.我现在正在使用带有图像的水晶报表来做所有事情.

                and it worked perfectly. there is no need of itextsharp, or anything else thirdparty command tools to print a image, to print a pdf, to print a html. Am doing everything now with crystal report feeded with an image.



                这篇关于具有 HTML 内容格式的水晶报表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                上一篇:带有水晶报表的 CSS 下一篇:如何在 Bower 中注册本地 git 包?



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