Creating Rule agreement when someone join(有人加入时创建规则协议) rewrite: TypeError: cogs must derive from Cog( 重写:TypeError:cogs 必须从 Cog 派生)
( How to make bot delete his own message after some time?((如何让机器人在一段时间后删除自己的消息?) quot;wait_forquot; a reaction in a command( “wait_for命令中的反应) - how to detect if a user mentions/pings the bot( - 如何检测用户是否提到/ping 机器人)
Discord Bot - quot;Attribute Error: #39;NoneType#39; object has no attribute #39;strip.#39;(Discord Bot - “属性错误:‘NoneType’对象没有属性‘strip’.)
Improper token passed(传递了不正确的令牌)
I need help making a discord py temp mute command in discord py(我需要帮助在 discord py 中创建 discord py temp 静音命令)
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named #39;discord#39;(ModuleNotFoundError:没有名为“不和谐的模块)
How can make my Python Discord bot I check if a message was sent by the bot itself?(如何让我的 Python Discord 机器人检查消息是否由机器人本身发送?)
How to delete a specific message by ID using如何使用 按 ID 删除特定消息)
TypeError: Inheritance a class from URL is forbidden(TypeError:禁止从 URL 继承类)