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      <i id='q5aUk'><tr id='q5aUk'><dt id='q5aUk'><q id='q5aUk'><span id='q5aUk'><b id='q5aUk'><form id='q5aUk'><ins id='q5aUk'></ins><ul id='q5aUk'></ul><sub id='q5aUk'></sub></form><legend id='q5aUk'></legend><bdo id='q5aUk'><pre id='q5aUk'><center id='q5aUk'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='q5aUk'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='q5aUk'><tfoot id='q5aUk'></tfoot><dl id='q5aUk'><fieldset id='q5aUk'></fieldset></dl></div>


        Creating Rule agreement when someone join(有人加入时创建规则协议)

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                • <bdo id='X8Ekg'></bdo><ul id='X8Ekg'></ul>
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                  <i id='X8Ekg'><tr id='X8Ekg'><dt id='X8Ekg'><q id='X8Ekg'><span id='X8Ekg'><b id='X8Ekg'><form id='X8Ekg'><ins id='X8Ekg'></ins><ul id='X8Ekg'></ul><sub id='X8Ekg'></sub></form><legend id='X8Ekg'></legend><bdo id='X8Ekg'><pre id='X8Ekg'><center id='X8Ekg'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='X8Ekg'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='X8Ekg'><tfoot id='X8Ekg'></tfoot><dl id='X8Ekg'><fieldset id='X8Ekg'></fieldset></dl></div>
                • 本文介绍了有人加入时创建规则协议的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



                  I want to a bot that will set the new member to a role that can only view one channel and have to agree on rules in order to use the server. I have wrote this to do it but I keep getting this error.

                  Ignoring exception in on_member_join
                  Traceback (most recent call last):
                    File "C:UsersezterAppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython36libsite-packagesdiscordclient.py", line 307, in _run_event
                      yield from getattr(self, event)(*args, **kwargs)
                    File "D:programingDiscord BotsOsis NationStart.py", line 31, in on_member_join
                      role = discord.utils.get(bot.roles, name="Default")
                    File "C:UsersezterAppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython36libsite-packagesdiscordclient.py", line 296, in __getattr__
                      raise AttributeError(msg.format(self.__class__, name))
                  AttributeError: '<class 'discord.ext.commands.bot.Bot'>' object has no attribute 'roles'


                  async def on_member_join(member):
                      print("A member just joined and his name is" + member.name)
                      mid = member.id
                      role = discord.utils.get(bot.roles, name="Default")
                      role3 = discord.utils.get(member.server.roles, id="<479670838648635392>")
                      role2 = discord.utils.get(member.server.roles, id="<479692108953944081>")
                      await bot.add_roles(member, bot.get_)
                      Rules = "1. Do not DM the Owner or any other staff unless they have DMed you first! 
                   2. Be kind, 
                   3. Use common sense, 
                   4. No swearing, 
                   5. No racism or bullying, 
                   6. No advertising, 
                   7. Do not chat in #music Text or Voice channels, 
                   8. Do not spam #applications if your application is accepted or denied! This is only to be used for submitting and staff members replying to the application. 
                   9. Do not use or abuse bot commands you should not be using! 
                   10. Do not @ any staff members unless it is an emergency.  "
                      await bot.send_message(bot.get_channel('479685091749134346'), 'Hello <@%s>, Welcome to Osis Nation, please read all the rules carefully' % (mid))
                      await bot.send_message(bot.get_channel('479685091749134346'), (Rules))
                      await bot.send_message(bot.get_channel('479685091749134346'), 'If you agree write !Agree. If you do not agree write !Decline')
                      if member.content.upper().startwith("!Agree"):
                          await bot.send_message(bot.get_channel('479685091749134346'), 'You will be redirected to the server in 5 seconds')
                          await bot.remove_roles(member, role)



                  async def on_member_join(member):
                      print("A member just joined and his name is" + member.name)
                      mid = member.id
                      role = discord.utils.get(member.server.roles, name="Default")
                      await bot.add_roles(member, role)
                      Rules = "1. Do not DM the Owner or any other staff unless they have DMed you first! 
                   2. Be kind, 
                   3. Use common sense, 
                   4. No swearing, 
                   5. No racism or bullying, 
                   6. No advertising, 
                   7. Do not chat in #music Text or Voice channels, 
                   8. Do not spam #applications if your application is accepted or denied! This is only to be used for submitting and staff members replying to the application. 
                   9. Do not use or abuse bot commands you should not be using! 
                   10. Do not @ any staff members unless it is an emergency.  "
                      await bot.send_message(bot.get_channel('479685091749134346'), 'Hello <@%s>, Welcome to Osis Nation, please read all the rules carefully' % (mid))
                      await bot.send_message(bot.get_channel('479685091749134346'), (Rules))
                      await bot.send_message(bot.get_channel('479685091749134346'), 'If you agree write !Agree. If you do not agree write !Decline')
                  async def on_message(message):
                      if message.content.upper().startswith("!AGREE"):
                          await bot.send_message(bot.get_channel('479685091749134346'), 'You will be redirected to the server in 5 seconds')
                          role = discord.utils.get(message.server.roles, name="Default")
                          await bot.remove_roles(message.author, role)




                  How to make a discord bot that gives roles in Python?(如何制作一个在 Python 中提供角色的不和谐机器人?)
                  Discord bot isn#39;t responding to commands(Discord 机器人没有响应命令)
                  Can you Get the quot;About mequot; feature on Discord bot#39;s? (Discord.py)(你能得到“关于我吗?Discord 机器人的功能?(不和谐.py))
                  message.channel.id Discord PY(message.channel.id Discord PY)
                  How do I host my discord.py bot on heroku?(如何在 heroku 上托管我的 discord.py 机器人?)
                  discord.py - Automaticaly Change an Role Color(discord.py - 自动更改角色颜色)

                  • <bdo id='nP6VC'></bdo><ul id='nP6VC'></ul>
                    1. <i id='nP6VC'><tr id='nP6VC'><dt id='nP6VC'><q id='nP6VC'><span id='nP6VC'><b id='nP6VC'><form id='nP6VC'><ins id='nP6VC'></ins><ul id='nP6VC'></ul><sub id='nP6VC'></sub></form><legend id='nP6VC'></legend><bdo id='nP6VC'><pre id='nP6VC'><center id='nP6VC'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='nP6VC'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='nP6VC'><tfoot id='nP6VC'></tfoot><dl id='nP6VC'><fieldset id='nP6VC'></fieldset></dl></div>

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