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    2. 传递了不正确的令牌

      Improper token passed(传递了不正确的令牌)
      • <bdo id='BjzUC'></bdo><ul id='BjzUC'></ul>
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              • 本文介绍了传递了不正确的令牌的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                我在 YouTube 上关注 Python Discord 机器人的基本教程,我的代码在下面.它说:

                I'm following a basic tutorial for a Python Discord bot on YouTube and my code is underneath. It says:


                discord.errors.LoginFailure: Improper token has been passed.

                在任何人问之前,是的,我已经输入了机器人令牌,而不是 id 或秘密.

                Before anyone asks, yes I have put in the bot token, not the id or secret.

                import discord
                from discord.ext.commands import Bot
                from discord.ext import commands
                import asyncio
                import time
                Client = discord.Client()
                client = commands.Bot(command_prefix = "!")
                async def on_ready():
                    print("Bot is ready!")
                async def on_message(message):
                    if message.content == "cookie":
                        await client.send_message(message.channel, ":cookie:")
                client.run("token is here")


                确保你拿到了Token"来自机器人"Discord 开发站点中的页面,而不是秘密"页面.来自一般信息";页面.

                Make sure you grab the "Token" from the "Bot" page in the Discord development site, rather than the "Secret" from the "General Information" page.

                我遇到了同样的问题.通过使用 Discord 应用页面中的正确令牌解决了我的问题.我使用的是秘密".从一般信息"页面(它为我在原始帖子中生成错误)而不是令牌"页面来自机器人"页面.

                I was having the same problem. My issue was solved by using the correct token from the Discord app page. I was using the "Secret" from the 'General Information' page (which generated the error in the original post for me) instead of the "Token" from the "Bot" page.

                正如 sheneb 在对此的评论中所说,这个答案(可能)不会帮助 OP(因为现在的问题是在有人问之前,是的,我已经输入了 bot 令牌,而不是 id 或秘密".).但是,我在搜索答案时发现了这个问题/页面,我的问题通过这些信息得到了解决.

                As sheneb said in the comment to this, this answer (probably) won't help the OP (since the question now says "Before anyone asks, yes I have put in the bot token, not the id or secret"). However, I found this question/page when searching for the answer, and my issue was solved with this information.




                How to make a discord bot that gives roles in Python?(如何制作一个在 Python 中提供角色的不和谐机器人?)
                Discord bot isn#39;t responding to commands(Discord 机器人没有响应命令)
                Can you Get the quot;About mequot; feature on Discord bot#39;s? (Discord.py)(你能得到“关于我吗?Discord 机器人的功能?(不和谐.py))
                message.channel.id Discord PY(message.channel.id Discord PY)
                How do I host my discord.py bot on heroku?(如何在 heroku 上托管我的 discord.py 机器人?)
                discord.py - Automaticaly Change an Role Color(discord.py - 自动更改角色颜色)
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