Opening a Dialog with text input from within a View in Android(从 Android 的视图中打开带有文本输入的对话框
Robust way to pass value back from Dialog to Activity on Android?(在Android上将值从Dialog传回Activity的可靠方法
BottomSheetDialogFragment - listen to dismissed by user event(BottomSheetDialogFragment - 听用户事件解除)
android dialog activity position(android对话框活动位置)
Show AlertDialog with ImageView without any padding(使用 ImageView 显示 AlertDialog 而无需任何填充)
Android Image Dialog/Popup same size as image and no border(Android Image Dialog/Popup 与图像大小相同且无边框)
Android PreferenceActivity dialog with number picker(带有数字选择器的 Android PreferenceActivity 对话框)
Inconsistency when setting TextView font size in code and in resources(在代码和资源中设置 TextView 字体大小时
Android Set text in alert dialog(Android 在警报对话框中设置文本)
Android: Dialog dismisses without calling dismiss(Android:对话框关闭而不调用关闭)
How to change the color of Dialog box(如何更改对话框的颜色)
Set spinner within custom dialog(在自定义对话框中设置微调器)