Getting information from DialogFragment using onDismiss()(使用 onDismiss() 从 DialogFragment 获取信息)
Android: Dialogs have extra, ugly space on droid 3?(Android:对话框在 droid 3 上有额外的、丑陋的空间?)
Android - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Erron when creating Dialog on 2.1 and low android(Android - java.lang.Illega
Android - FEATURE_NO_TITLE not working(Android - FEATURE_NO_TITLE 不起作用)
Android: How to create a Dialog with a Scrolling title?(Android:如何创建带有滚动标题的对话框?)
I want to make a Dialog Screen Like WhatsApp Profile Photo Dialog Screen(我想制作一个像 WhatsApp Profile Photo Dia
Custom ListView in a dialog(对话框中的自定义 ListView)
Webview crashes on select box or any Dialog(Webview 在选择框或任何对话框上崩溃)
how to set a custom list view into a dialog box(如何将自定义列表视图设置为对话框)
Android Broadcast Receiver showing a dialog?(Android广播接收器显示一个对话框?)
Can we interact with background activity when displaying a dialog over it in android(在android中显示对话框时我们可
Android dialog disappears on its own(Android 对话框自行消失)