我想在 Activity 上显示一个对话框,但仍想在显示对话框时与后台 Activity 交互以执行某些操作.如何做到这一点?
I want to display a dialog over an activity but still want to interact with background activity to perform something, while the dialog is being displayed. How can this be done?
使用 DialogFragment,它是一个显示对话窗口的片段,浮动在其活动窗口的顶部.该片段包含一个 Dialog 对象,它会根据片段的状态适当地显示该对象.对话框的控制(决定何时显示、隐藏、关闭它)应该通过这里的 API 来完成,而不是直接调用对话框,所以你的 Activity 仍然处于控制之中.
Use a DialogFragment, which is a fragment that displays a dialog window, floating on top of its activity's window. This fragment contains a Dialog object, which it displays as appropriate based on the fragment's state. Control of the dialog (deciding when to show, hide, dismiss it) should be done through the API here, not with direct calls on the dialog, so your Activity remains in control.