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        如何使用休眠 JPA 注释映射嵌套集合 Map&lt;Ke


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                  本文介绍了如何使用休眠 JPA 注释映射嵌套集合 Map&lt;Key,List&lt;Values&gt;&gt;?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



                  I have a class I am not sure how to annotate properly.

                  我对 Holder::data 的目标:

                  My goal for Holder::data:

                  • 列表不应该通过比较器而是通过数组中元素的自然顺序来保持顺序.(如果有帮助,它可以是一个 ndx 列.)
                  • Holder 将拥有对数据的唯一引用,因此 Cascade all 可能也适用.


                  I am also open to a different design that removes the map, if that would make for a cleaner design.

                  public class Holder extends DomainObject {
                    private Map<Enum,List<Element>> data;
                  public class Element extends DomainObject {
                    private long valueId;
                    private int otherData;
                  public class DomainObject {
                   // provides id
                   // optimistic locking
                   // create and update date


                  我认为 hibernate(-core) 不可能映射任何集合集合:

                  I don't think it is possible with hibernate(-core) to map any collection of collections:

                  集合几乎可以包含任何其他 Hibernate 类型,包括所有基本类型、自定义类型、组件、当然,参考其他实体.

                  Collections may contain almost any other Hibernate type, including all basic types, custom types, components, and of course, references to other entities.



                  Notice the almost and the omission of the collection type.


                  A workaround: You need to introduce a new type 'in between' the collection holder and the element. This type you can map as an entity or a component and it refers the original content of the map, in this case a list.


                  public class Holder extends DomainObject {
                    private Map<Enum,InBetween> inBetweens;
                  public class InBetween extends DomainObject {
                    private List<Element> elements;
                  public class Element extends DomainObject {
                    private long valueId;
                    private int otherData;
                  public class DomainObject {
                   // provides id
                   // optimistic locking
                   // create and update date


                  The rest of the mapping depends on your particular situation, but is rather straightforward.

                  这篇关于如何使用休眠 JPA 注释映射嵌套集合 Map&lt;Key,List&lt;Values&gt;&gt;?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:将键盘事件从 java 发送到任何应用程序(屏幕键盘 下一篇:使用 JAX-RS 继承



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