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      1. 模拟受保护的方法

        mocking protected method(模拟受保护的方法)
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                  我想模拟一个继承的受保护方法.我不能直接从java代码调用这个方法,因为它是从另一个包中的类继承的.我找不到在 when(...)

                  I want to mock an inherited protected method. I can't call this method directly from java code as it is inherited from class that in another package. I can't find a way to specify this method to stub in in when(...)

                  package a;
                  public class A() {
                      protected int m() {}
                  package b;
                  public class B extends a.A {
                      // this class currently does not override m method from a.A
                      public asd() {}
                  // test
                  package b;
                  class BTest {
                      public void testClass() {
                          B instance = PowerMockito.spy(new B());
                          PowerMockito.when(instance, <specify a method m>).thenReturn(123);
                          //PowerMockito.when(instance.m()).thenReturn(123); -- obviously does not work

                  我查看了 PowerMockito.when 覆盖,这似乎都只用于私有方法!

                  I looked at PowerMockito.when overrides and this seems that they are all for private methods only!


                  How to specify protected method?


                  简而言之:不能总是使用 when 来存根间谍;使用 doReturn.

                  Nutshell: Can't always use when to stub spies; use doReturn.

                  假设 spydoReturn(都是 PowerMockito)的静态导入:

                  Assuming static imports of spy and doReturn (both PowerMockito):

                  public class BTest {
                      @Test public void testClass() throws Exception {
                          B b = spy(new B());
                          doReturn(42).when(b, "m");

                  您也可以@PrepareForTest(A.class) 并在when(a, "m") 上设置doReturn.哪个更有意义取决于实际测试.

                  You could also @PrepareForTest(A.class) and set up the doReturn on when(a, "m"). Which makes more sense depends on the actual test.




                  How can I detect integer overflow on 32 bits int?(如何检测 32 位 int 上的整数溢出?)
                  Local variables before return statements, does it matter?(return 语句之前的局部变量,这有关系吗?)
                  How to convert Integer to int?(如何将整数转换为整数?)
                  How do I create an int array with randomly shuffled numbers in a given range(如何在给定范围内创建一个随机打乱数字的 int 数组)
                  Inconsistent behavior on java#39;s ==(java的行为不一致==)
                  Why is Java able to store 0xff000000 as an int?(为什么 Java 能够将 0xff000000 存储为 int?)
                  <i id='QGNWa'><tr id='QGNWa'><dt id='QGNWa'><q id='QGNWa'><span id='QGNWa'><b id='QGNWa'><form id='QGNWa'><ins id='QGNWa'></ins><ul id='QGNWa'></ul><sub id='QGNWa'></sub></form><legend id='QGNWa'></legend><bdo id='QGNWa'><pre id='QGNWa'><center id='QGNWa'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='QGNWa'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='QGNWa'><tfoot id='QGNWa'></tfoot><dl id='QGNWa'><fieldset id='QGNWa'></fieldset></dl></div>

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