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        Mockito:在使用@InjectMocks 时模拟被测试方法调用的


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                • 本文介绍了Mockito:在使用@InjectMocks 时模拟被测试方法调用的同一类的方法的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有一个要测试的类,它有几个外部依赖项和几个内部方法.我想为 MethodA 写一个测试,但是 not 有 Method A 对 MethodB 的内部调用来实际执行 MethodB.我想模拟/存根 MethodB 并返回特定的东西.通常我会使用 when/thenReturn 但它的行为不像我预期的那样 - 它实际上在创建模拟本身时跳转到方法 B.

                  I have a class I want to test that has several external dependencies, and a couple internal methods. I would like to write a test for MethodA, but not have Method A's internal call to MethodB to actually exercise MethodB. I'd like to mock/stub MethodB and return something specific instead. Usually I'd use when/thenReturn but it doesn't behave like I expect - it actually jumps into Method B while creating the mock itself.


                  public class MyService {
                    private ServiceA serviceA;
                    private ServiceB serviceB;
                      public SomeObject methodA() {
                        // some logic using serviceA.method and serviceB.method that creates "output"
                        SomeObject someObject = methodB(output);
                        return someObject;
                      public SomeObject methodB(SomeObject someObject) {
                        // deep mysteries done here to someObject
                        return someObject 


                  public class MyServiceTest {
                    private ServiceA serviceA;
                    private ServiceB serviceB;
                    private MyService myService;
                    public void setUp() throws Exception {
                    public void methodATest() {
                      // here is what I would like to do
                      when(myService.methodB()).thenReturn(mockedSomeObject); //<- doesn't work

                  我查看了使用 Mockito.mock(MyService.class) 手动模拟 MyService 类的解决方案,但是(因为上面的示例显然是人为的)我的实际的类有很多外部依赖项,我更喜欢一个解决方案,它仍然允许我使用 @Mock@Autowired 依赖项和 @ 模拟服务InitMocks 用于被测类,除非它根本不可能.

                  I've looked at solutions that manually mock the MyService class with Mockito.mock(MyService.class), but (as the above example is obviously contrived) my actual class has quite a few external dependencies and I'd prefer a solution that still allows me to mock the service using @Mock for the @Autowired dependencies and @InitMocks for the class under test, unless it's simply not possible.



                  但在为该方法创建模拟时也会进入 MethodB,这不应该发生.

                  but that also steps into MethodB when creating the mock for that method, which shouldn't be happening.



                  尝试将@Spy 添加到您的 InjectMocks 并使用该对象以稍微不同的语法预期"它们.

                  Try Adding @Spy to your InjectMocks and use the object to "expect" them in a slightly different syntax.

                  导入 org.mockito.Spy;

                   private MyService myService; 




                  Also change the other mock call to this


                  这篇关于Mockito:在使用@InjectMocks 时模拟被测试方法调用的同一类的方法的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:Mockito - 文件的模拟行为 下一篇:每次测试都会重置 Mock 对象吗?



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