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      Mockito - 文件的模拟行为

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                本文介绍了Mockito - 文件的模拟行为的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



                I have a class that takes in a single file, finds the file related to it, and opens it. Something along the lines of

                class DummyFileClass
                    private File fileOne;
                    private File fileTwo;
                    public DummyFileClass(File fileOne)
                         this.fileOne = fileOne;
                         fileTwo = findRelatedFile(fileOne)
                    public void someMethod()
                         // Do something with files one and two

                在我的单元测试中,我希望能够测试 someMethod() 而不必将物理文件放在某个地方.我可以模拟 fileOne,并将其传递给构造函数,但由于在构造函数中计算 fileTwo,我无法控制它.

                In my unit test, I want to be able to to test someMethod() without having to have physical files sitting somewhere. I can mock fileOne, and pass it to the constructor, but since fileTwo is being calculated in the constructor, I don't have control of this.

                我可以模拟 findRelatedFile() 方法 - 但这是最​​佳实践吗?在这里寻找最佳设计而不是实用的解决方法.我对模拟框架还很陌生.

                I could mock the method findRelatedFile() - but is this the best practice? Looking for the best design rather than a pragmatic workaround here. I'm fairly new to mocking frameworks.


                在这种情况下,我会使用物理文件来测试组件,而不是依赖模拟框架.正如 fge 所提到的,它可能更容易,而且您不必担心您可能对模拟做出任何错误假设.

                In this sort of situation, I would use physical files for testing the component and not rely on a mocking framework. As fge mentions it may be easier plus you don't have to worry about any incorrect assumptions you may make of your mock.

                例如,如果您依赖 File#listFiles() 你可以让你的模拟返回一个固定的 File 列表,但是,不能保证它们返回的顺序 - 你可以仅在您在不同平台上运行代码时才发现.

                For instance, if you rely upon File#listFiles() you may have your mock return a fixed list of Files, however, the order they are returned in is not guaranteed - a fact you may only discover when you run your code on a different platform.

                我会考虑使用 JUnit 的 TemporaryFolder 规则帮助您设置测试所需的文件和目录结构,例如:

                I would consider using JUnit's TemporaryFolder rule to help you set up the file and directory structure you need for your test, e.g.:

                public class DummyFileClassTest {
                    public TemporaryFolder folder = new TemporaryFolder();
                    public void someMethod() {
                        // given
                        final File file1 = folder.newFile("myfile1.txt");
                        final File file2 = folder.newFile("myfile2.txt");
                        ... etc...


                The rule should clean up any created files and directories when the test completes.

                这篇关于Mockito - 文件的模拟行为的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                上一篇:为 Factory 类创建的对象注入 Mocks 下一篇:Mockito:在使用@InjectMocks 时模拟被测试方法调用的



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