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      1. Mockito - 拦截模拟上的任何方法调用

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                  本文介绍了Mockito - 拦截模拟上的任何方法调用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                  是否可以以通用方式拦截 mock 上的所有方法调用?

                  Is it possible to intercept all method invocations on a mock in a generic way?



                  Given a vendor provided class such as:

                  public class VendorObject {
                      public int someIntMethod() {
                          // ...
                      public String someStringMethod() {
                          // ...

                  我想创建一个模拟,将 all 方法调用重定向到另一个具有匹配方法签名的类:

                  I would like to create a mock that re-directs all method calls to another class where there are matching method signatures:

                  public class RedirectedToObject {
                      public int someIntMethod() {
                          // Accepts re-direct

                  Mockito 中的 when().thenAnswer() 构造似乎符合要求,但我找不到将任何方法调用与任何参数匹配的方法.无论如何,InvocationOnMock 肯定给了我所有这些细节.有没有通用的方法来做到这一点?看起来像这样的东西,其中 when(vo.*) 被替换为适当的代码:

                  The when().thenAnswer() construct in Mockito seems to fit the bill but I cannot find a way to match any method call with any args. The InvocationOnMock certainly gives me all these details anyway. Is there a generic way to do this? Something that would look like this, where the when(vo.*) is replaced with appropriate code:

                  VendorObject vo = mock(VendorObject.class);
                      new Answer() {
                          public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
                              // 1. Check if method exists on RedirectToObject.
                              // 2a. If it does, call the method with the args and return the result.
                              // 2b. If it does not, throw an exception to fail the unit test.


                  Adding wrappers around the vendor classes to make mocking easy is not an option because:

                  1. 现有代码库太大.
                  2. 对性能要求极高的应用程序的一部分.



                  VendorObject vo = mock(VendorObject.class, new Answer() {
                      public Object answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) {
                          // 1. Check if method exists on RedirectToObject.
                          // 2a. If it does, call the method with the args and return the
                          // result.
                          // 2b. If it does not, throw an exception to fail the unit test.

                  当然,如果你想经常使用这种方法,Answer 不需要匿名.

                  Of course, if you want to use this approach frequently, no need for the Answer to be anonymous.

                  来自 文档:这是一个非常高级的功能,通常你不需要它来编写体面的测试.但是在使用遗留系统时它会很有帮助."听起来像你.

                  From the documentation: "It's quite advanced feature and typically you don't need it to write decent tests. However it can be helpful when working with legacy systems." Sounds like you.

                  这篇关于Mockito - 拦截模拟上的任何方法调用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:此处检测到错位的参数匹配器.您不能在 Mockito 中 下一篇:在同一个模拟上使用多个 ArgumentMatchers



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