Invalid interaction application command(discord.js slash commands using WOKCommands)(无效的交互应用命令(discord.
How to make a embed to the user requirments?(如何嵌入用户需求?)
why are aliases not getting executed?(为什么别名没有被执行?)
Discord.js #39;presenceUpdate#39; not being called(Discord.js presenceUpdate 没有被调用)
Discord.js connecting api to discord bot in an embed link(Discord.js 在嵌入链接中将 api 连接到不和谐机器人
Discord bot unintentionally spamming messages after user response(Discord bot 在用户响应后无意中发送垃圾邮件
discord.js send and wait before editing a message(discord.js 在编辑消息之前发送并等待)
How can I count the number of messages in one channel of each user?(如何计算每个用户的一个频道中的消息数
Reading file attachments (Ex; .txt file) - Discord.JS(读取文件附件(例如;.txt 文件)- Discord.JS)
DISCORD JS v13 createReactionCollector quot;collectquot; doesn#39;t work(DISCORD JS v13 createReactionCollector “收集不
Auto-reply to direct messages(自动回复直接消息)
Play local music files using djs v13(使用 djs v13 播放本地音乐文件)