所以我一直在尝试做一些事情,所以如果有人 dm 是你,它会回复一条消息.
So I've been trying to do something so if someone dm's you, it'll reply with a message.
Friend: Hey
Bot: I'm afk
类似的事情,所以基本上当有人向您的 dms 发送消息时,机器人会回复一条消息说什么.
Something like that so basically when someone sends a message to your dms the bot will reply a message saying something.
如果不破坏 Discord TOS,你不能.因为你需要一个 userbot 或 selfbot.基本上它的一些机器人充当用户(在你的情况下阅读消息).而且大多数图书馆都放弃了对 selfbots 的支持.
Without breaking Discord TOS you can't. Because you would need to have a userbot or selfbot. Basically its some bot that acts as the user (in your case reading the messages). And most libraries are dropping the support for selfbots.
For reference: https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002192352-Automated-user-accounts-self-bots-
禁止在 OAuth2/bot API 之外自动化普通用户帐户(通常称为self-bots"),如果发现,可能会导致帐户终止.
Automating normal user accounts (generally called "self-bots") outside of the OAuth2/bot API is forbidden, and can result in an account termination if found.