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    1. 将事件侦听器添加到在新窗口中打开的文档中


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                是否有任何事情阻止我将事件侦听器添加到由 window.open() 调用产生的窗口中?

                Is there anything that prevents me from adding a event listener to the window that results from a window.open() call?


                I am trying to set a handler function to be triggered on a visibility change event on the new document, but this handler function is not being called.


                没有什么可以阻止你这样做(只要你打开的窗口与父/打开器窗口在同一个域中;只是想象一下,如果不是这种情况,恶意的人会做什么).一旦你有了那个新窗口的 window 对象,你就可以对它做任何你想做的事情.window.open() 返回新窗口的window 对象:

                There's nothing that prevents you from doing that (as long as the window you are opening is in the same domain as the parent/opener window; Just imagine what malicious people could do if that weren't the case). Once you have the window object of that new window, then you can do whatever you want to it. window.open() returns the window object of the new window:

                // * All of this code is happening inside of the parent window,
                // * but you can also 'inject' scripts into the new window if you wish.
                // window.open() returns the new window's window object
                var newWin = window.open('http://stackoverflow.com');
                // Run all of your code onload, so you can manipulate the 
                // new window's DOM. Else, you're just manipulating an empty doc.
                newWin.onload = function () {
                    // `this`, in this context, makes reference to the new window object
                    // You can use DOM methods, on the new document, with it.
                    var myElem = this.document.getElementById('custom-header');
                    console.log("Window object: ", this);
                    console.log("Window's location: ", this.location.href);
                    console.log("Id of element in new window: ", myElem.id);
                    // Attach a click event to the new document's body
                    this.document.body.onclick = function () {
                        // `this`, inside of a listener, is the element itself
                        // but this console.log will log inside of the parent window
                        this.style.transition = 'all 1s';
                        this.style.opacity = 0;
                    this.document.body.addEventListener('click', function () {
                        // Now, let's log inside of the new window.
                        // Since in here, this === this.document.body,
                        // then you'll have to use the newWin var we set before.
                        // newWin is the window object.
                        newWin.console.log('Logging in new window!');


                上一篇:将多个键绑定到 Keypress 事件 下一篇:焦点和模糊 jQuery 事件不冒泡



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