Raise custom error message for(引发自定义错误消息)
Tempmute command with converting time in discord.py(在 discord.py 中转换时间的 Tempmute 命令)
How can I limit the on_message replies (Discord Python bot)(如何限制 on_message 回复(Discord Python 机器人))
Why can I get some users with the bot.get_user function but not others? [Discord.py](为什么我可以使用 bot.get_use
#39;NoneType#39; object has no attribute #39;remove_roles#39; Discord.py(“NoneType对象没有属性“remove_roles Dis
How to set a default using context with context defined in same line?(如何使用上下文在同一行中定义的上下文
discord.py @bot.command() not running(discord.py @bot.command() 没有运行)
Discord.py ctx.guild.edit works but not self.bot.guild.edit?(Discord.py ctx.guild.edit 有效,但 self.bot.guild.edit 无
Cancel both asynchronous coroutines once first completed(首次完成后取消两个异步协程)
Discord.py-Rewrite Sending an Error message when there is an unknown command or other error(Discord.py-Rewrite 在出现未
How can I know when a user joined Discord in Discord.py (Discord join date, not server)(我如何知道用户何时在 Di
Discord.py: Get user object with id(Discord.py:获取带有 id 的用户对象)