我正在尝试用 Python 制作一个 Discord 机器人,它根据您所在的班级(在我的学校)为您提供 Discord 服务器上的角色.我刚刚开始,但每当我尝试运行它时都会收到错误消息(我在 Python 3 Notebook 中的 Google Colab 中运行它).这是我的代码:
I am attempting to make a Discord bot in Python that gives you a role on a Discord server based upon what class you are in (at my school). I have just started, but I am receiving an error whenever I attempt to run it (I run it in Google Colab in a Python 3 Notebook). Here is my code:
When I run it, it presents me with this error:
如果我将 client.run
If I put the client.run
command at the bottom, the program never reaches it because the loop prevents it from reaching the command.
Am I missing something? I do not know where the problem is. Would appreciate help.
基本上,如果你想在 google colab 上运行 discord 机器人,你需要做各种黑客攻击.这里我使用 discord.ext python 库,执行这个,但是会阻塞,并阻止你执行任何其他单元格.
Basically there are various hacks you need to do if you want to run a discord bot on google colab. Here I use discord.ext python library, executing this, however will be blocking, and prevent you from executing any other cells.
这篇关于运行我的 discord.py 机器人时在 client.run('token') 收到运行时错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!