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    1. 在 centos 6.4 上安装 numpy&scipy

      installing numpyamp;scipy on centos 6.4(在 centos 6.4 上安装 numpyscipy)

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                本文介绍了在 centos 6.4 上安装 numpy&scipy的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                我在虚拟环境中工作,安装 numpy 和 scipy 时遇到问题.据我了解,在使用 scipy 之前我必须完全安装 numpy,但是我在安装 numpy 时遇到了麻烦.

                I am working in a virtual environment and I am having trouble installing numpy and scipy. It is my understanding that I have to full install numpy before going to scipy, but I am having trouble installing numpy.

                我使用 pip install numpy 并将 numpy 安装到我的 python2.7/site-packages/numpy 目录中,但是,我正在尝试运行 python setup.py install --user 如此处所述 numpy build 我不断收到错误this是错误的文件运行".我不知道从哪里开始......我仍然需要安装 scipy

                I usedpip install numpy and that installed numpy into my python2.7/site-packages/numpy directory, however, I am trying to run python setup.py install --user as stated here numpy build and I keep getting the error "this is the wrong file to run". I do not know where to go from here....and I still need to install scipy


                numpy 和 scipy 在 CentOS 中预编译,只需输入:

                numpy and scipy come pre-compiled with CentOS, just type:

                sudo yum install numpy scipy


                it is always harder to install from source code.

                这篇关于在 centos 6.4 上安装 numpy&scipy的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!



                How to refresh sys.path?(如何刷新 sys.path?)
                Saving numpy array in mongodb(在mongodb中保存numpy数组)
                Unable to apply methods on timestamps using Series built-ins(无法使用 Series 内置函数对时间戳应用方法)
                Python UTC datetime object#39;s ISO format doesn#39;t include Z (Zulu or Zero offset)(Python UTC 日期时间对象的 ISO 格式不包括 Z(祖鲁语或零偏移))
                Pandas Timedelta in Days(Pandas Timedelta 以天为单位)
                How to convert Numpy array to Panda DataFrame(如何将 Numpy 数组转换为 Panda DataFrame)
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