我不确定这是否可能,因为这可能在硬件中处理,但我需要发送一些带有错误的以太网帧.我希望能够创建 runts、jabber、misalignment 和 bad FCS 错误.我正在使用 Python.
I'm not sure if this is even possible since this might be handled in hardware, but I need to send some Ethernet frames with errors in them. I'd like to be able to create runts, jabber, misalignment, and bad FCS errors. I'm working in Python.
它可以在硬件中处理,但并非总是如此——即使是,您也可以将其关闭;请参阅 ethtool 卸载参数.
It can be handled in hardware, but isn't always -- and even if it is, you can turn that off; see the ethtool offload parameters.
关于获得对您创建的帧的完全控制——查看 PF_PACKET(一种方法)或 tap 驱动程序(另一种方法).
With regard to getting full control over the frames you create -- look into PF_PACKET (for one approach) or the tap driver (for another).
这是一篇关于使用 PF_PACKET 从 Python 发送手工制作的帧的文章.
这篇关于如何发送带有损坏 FCS 的以太网帧?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!