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      1. <small id='GWc1Z'></small><noframes id='GWc1Z'>

      2. 嵌入式python:多处理不起作用


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                  我正在使用作为脚本环境嵌入到应用程序 (x64) 中的 Python 3.1.4.到目前为止,我在使用嵌入式 python 时遇到了很多限制.不知道是不是正常,还是应用程序的程序员屏蔽了一些功能.

                  I'm using Python 3.1.4 that is embedded as a scripting environment in an application(x64). So far I have encountered a lot of limitations with the embedded python. I don't know if it is normal or if the programmers of the application have blocked some functionalities.


                  For example the following code isn't working:

                  from multiprocessing import Process
                  def f(name):
                      print('hello', name)
                  if __name__ == '__main__':
                      p = Process(target=f, args=('bob',))
                  # --> error in forking.py: 'module' object has no attribute 'argv'
                  # print(sys.argv) gives the same error

                  sys.executable 返回应用程序的路径.

                  sys.executable return the path to the application.





                  Is there a workaround possible ? It is very unlikely that I would have the leverage to make the developers of the application change something in their code.




                  I got it to work by adding the following:

                  sys.argv = ['c:/pathToScript/scipt.py']




                  Otherwise an other instance of the application open instead of running the code.


                  The only problem I have left is that I can't use the methods that control the application itself (like: create_project(), add_report(),..). My primary goal was to be able to call multiple methods without the need to wait for the first one to finish completion. But I think this is just not possible.


                  默认情况下,sys.argv 在嵌入代码中不可用:

                  By default, sys.argv is not available in embedded code:

                  基本的初始化函数是 Py_Initialize().这初始化加载模块的表,并创建基本模块内置函数、__main__ 和 sys.它还初始化模块搜索路径(sys.path).

                  Embedding Python

                  The basic initialization function is Py_Initialize(). This initializes the table of loaded modules, and creates the fundamental modules builtins, __main__, and sys. It also initializes the module search path (sys.path).

                  Py_Initialize() 没有设置脚本参数列表"(sys.argv).如果稍后将执行的 Python 代码需要此变量,它必须通过调用 PySys_SetArgvEx(argc, argv,updatepath) 在调用 Py_Initialize() 之后

                  Py_Initialize() does not set the "script argument list" (sys.argv). If this variable is needed by Python code that will be executed later, it must be set explicitly with a call to PySys_SetArgvEx(argc, argv, updatepath) after the call to Py_Initialize()

                  在 Windows 上,multiprocessing 必须从头开始生成新进程.它使用命令行开关--multiprocessing-fork 来区分子进程,并将原始的argv从父进程传递给子进程.

                  On Windows, multiprocessing must spawn new processes from scratch. It uses a command line switch --multiprocessing-fork to distinguish child processes, and also transmits the original argv from parent to child.

                  在创建子进程之前分配 sys.argv = ['c:/pathToScript/scipt.py'],就像您发现的那样,似乎是一个很好的解决方法.

                  Assigning sys.argv = ['c:/pathToScript/scipt.py'] before creating subprocesses, like you discovered, would seem to be a good workaround.

                  第二个相关的文档是 multiprocessing.set_executable():

                  A second relevant piece of documentation is that of multiprocessing.set_executable():

                  设置 Python 的路径启动子进程时使用的解释器.(默认情况下sys.executable 被使用).嵌入者可能需要做一些事情喜欢

                  Sets the path of the Python interpreter to use when starting a child process. (By default sys.executable is used). Embedders will probably need to do some thing like

                  set_executable(os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, 'pythonw.exe'))
                  之前他们可以创建子进程.(仅限 Windows)

                  set_executable(os.path.join(sys.exec_prefix, 'pythonw.exe'))
                  before they can create child processes. (Windows only)


                  上一篇:Python中的进程通信 下一篇:如何避免这种酸洗错误,在 Python 中并行化此代码



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