Multi Auth with Laravel 5.4 and Passport(使用 Laravel 5.4 和 Passport 进行多重身份验证)
OAuth 2.0 in php using curl(php 中使用 curl 的 OAuth 2.0)
Upload videos to my Youtube channel without user authentication using YoutubeApi v3 and ouath2(使用 YoutubeApi v3 和 o
Laravel get request headers(Laravel 获取请求头)
How to use OAuth with Google Calendar to access only ONE calendar?(如何在 Google 日历中使用 OAuth 以仅访问一个
Using a Service Account, getAccessToken() is returning null(使用服务帐户,getAccessToken() 返回 null)
Use OAuth Refresh Token to Obtain New Access Token - Google API(使用 OAuth Refresh Token 获取新的 Access Token - Go
Facebook OAuth redirect_uri problem #39;Given URL is not permitted by the application configuration.#39;(Facebook OAuth r
403 error with message:Access Not Configured. Please use Google Developers Console to activate the API for your project(4
OAuth2.0 Server stack how to use state to prevent CSRF? for draft2.0 v20(OAuth2.0 Server stack如何使用state来防止C
Get Userinfo from Google OAuth 2.0 PHP API(从 Google OAuth 2.0 PHP API 获取用户信息)
Implementing Oauth2 login, Fatal error: Class #39;Google_Service#39; not found(实现 Oauth2 登录,致命错误:找不到