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      Java 系统包存储在哪里?


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              1. 本文介绍了Java 系统包存储在哪里?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                我想查看所有的 java 包.我的机器中的包裹存放在哪里?任何人都可以帮忙.我确实在 jdk 文件夹中搜索并找到了 awt.dll 和所有内容.但它只是少数.我可以全部看到吗?

                I want to see all the java packages. Where are the packages stored in my machine? Can anyone help. I did search in jdk folder and found awt.dll and all. But its only a few. Can i see all of them?


                如果你想要标准安装中的包列表,去Javadocs 并查看左上角.

                If you want a list of packages in the standard installation, just go to the Javadocs and look in the upper left corner.

                如果你想查看.class文件,它们在JRE目录下的lib t.jar中(.jar一样.zip,所以你可以用任何可以打开 zip 文件的东西来打开它).

                If you want to see the .class files, they're in lib t.jar in the JRE directory (.jar is the same as .zip, so you can open it with anything that can open zip files).

                如果要查看源代码,请查看 JDK 目录中的 src.zip.如果它不存在,您可能在安装 JDK 时选择不安装它.

                If you want to see the source code, look in src.zip in the JDK directory. If it's not there, you probably elected not to install it when you installed the JDK.


                Keep in mind that packages are represented as folders on disk, so you might be a little disappointed by what you see.

                这篇关于Java 系统包存储在哪里?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                上一篇:Java中的包和它的子包之间有什么关系? 下一篇:在 Java 中弃用包的最清晰方法是什么?



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