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      1. 从不同包的另一个实例的子类调用受保护的方法

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                  I want to invoke a protected method of another instance from within a subclass of the class providing this protected method. See the following example:

                  public class Nano {
                      protected void computeSize() {
                  public class NanoContainer extends Nano {
                      protected ArrayList<Nano> children;
                  public class SomeOtherNode extends NanoContainer {
                      // {Nano} Overrides
                      protected void computeSize() {
                          for (Nano child: children) {
                              child.computeSize();            // << computeSize() has protected access in nanolay.Nano

                  javac 告诉我 computeSize() 在 Nano 中具有受保护的访问权限.我看不出这是什么原因(我以为我已经在其他代码中这样做了).我想保持这种方法受到保护,我该怎么办?

                  javac tells me that computeSize() has protected access in Nano. I can't see the reason for this (I thought I was already doing this in some other code). I'd like to keep this method being protected, what can I do?

                  javac version "1.7.0_09"




                  I wanted to provide a stripped down version, but I didn't think about the fact, that the classes lie in different packages.




                  You could access the protected methods either by subclassing and overriding; also when they are available in the same package. I will add some details. You can read details here.

                  您的示例位于 java 中 Object 类中可用的 protected clone() 方法的行上;您不能直接在任何对象上调用它(尽管所有对象都隐式地从 Object 类扩展).

                  The example that you have is on lines of the protected clone() method available in the Object class in java; you cannot directly call it on any object (although all object implicitly extend from the Object class).


                  上一篇:如何在 Java 中使用 3rd 方包 下一篇:包装和可见性



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