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      1. 使用 Mockito 匹配特定类型的空列表

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                  本文介绍了使用 Mockito 匹配特定类型的空列表的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                  我有一个需要几个参数的方法.其中之一是某个类的 List,null 是该参数的可接受值.

                  I have a method that takes a few parameters. One of them is a List of some class, and null is an acceptable value for this parameter.

                  public void doStuff(String string, @Nullable List<SomeClass> list) {

                  我想编写一个测试,使用 Mockito 来验证该方法是否以 null 作为参数调用.我尝试使用 isNull(List.class):

                  I want to write a test that uses Mockito to verify the method was called with null as a parameter. I tried using isNull(List.class):

                  MyClass myClass = ...
                  verify(myClass).doStuff(any(String.class), isNull(List.class));



                  unchecked conversion
                  required: java.util.List< com.package.SomeClass>
                  found: java.util.List


                  I can see how to fix this warning in the event that the list is not null:

                  // this generates the same warning
                  verify(myClass).doStuff(any(String.class), any(List.class));
                  // this does not generate the warning
                  verify(myClass).doStuff(any(String.class), Matchers.anyListOf(SomeClass.class)));


                  However, I can't seem to find a way to combine these two approaches together. Or find an alternate approach that accomplishes what I am trying to do. (Other than suppressing the warning with an annotation)



                  The general answer is to use an explicit generic method argument.

                  verify(myClass).doStuff(any(String.class), Matchers.<List<SomeClass>>isNull());


                  • 实际上,警告并不能保护您免受任何伤害;nullnull,并且通过类型擦除,所有这些形式都将编译为相同的字节码.
                  • Java 8 可以从方法参数推断泛型类型,因此 isNull() 就足够了.
                  • Mockito 1.x 调用类 org.mockito.Matchers,而 Mockito 2.x 弃用该类以支持 org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.在这两种情况下,匹配器方法都可以通过 org.mockito.Mockito 看到,但 static-methods-via-inheritance 在语义上很弱,可能会导致这些方法不显示在 IDE 中.
                  • 如果没有将 Matchers 作为静态参数,则无法指定 <List<SomeClass>>isNull().你可以做什么,如果你需要做很多,就是提取一个本地静态方法......

                  • In practice, the warning isn't protecting you from anything; null is null, and with type erasure all of these forms will compile to the same bytecode anyway.
                  • Java 8 can infer generic types from method arguments, so isNull() is sufficient there without cleverness.
                  • Mockito 1.x calls the class org.mockito.Matchers whereas Mockito 2.x deprecates that class in favor of org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers. In both cases the matcher methods are visible through org.mockito.Mockito, but static-methods-via-inheritance is semantically weak and can cause those methods not to show up in IDEs.
                  • There's no way to specify <List<SomeClass>>isNull() without the Matchers as a static argument. What you can do, if you need to do this a lot, is to extract a local static method...

                  private static List<SomeClass> nullSomeClassList() {
                    return isNull();  // Return value types can be inferred before Java 8.
                  // elsewhere
                  verify(myClass).doStuff(any(String.class), nullSomeClassList());


                  ...but whatever you do, don't extract to a field instead. The side effects are what matters here.

                  这篇关于使用 Mockito 匹配特定类型的空列表的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:模棱两可的方法调用模拟 RestTemplate.exchange() 下一篇:如何使用 Mockito 和 JUnit 检查方法中的 if 语句?



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