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    1. 如何在 Java 中模拟静态方法?

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                本文介绍了如何在 Java 中模拟静态方法?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                我有一个类 FileGenerator,我正在为 generateFile() 方法编写一个测试,该方法应该执行以下操作:

                I have a class FileGenerator, and I'm writing a test for the generateFile() method that should do the following:

                1) 它应该调用 BlockAbstractFactory

                2) 它应该从子类方法 getBlocks()

                2) it should populate variable blockList from the subclass method getBlocks()

                3) 它应该调用一个静态方法 createFile 从一个最终的帮助类 FileHelper 传递一个字符串参数

                3) it should call a static method createFile from a final helper class FileHelper passing a String parameter

                4) 它应该调用blockList中每个BlockController的run方法

                4) it should call the run method of each BlockController in the blockList


                So far, I have this empty method:

                public class FileGenerator {
                    // private fields with Getters and Setters
                    public void generateBlocks() {

                我正在使用 JUnit、Mockito 来模拟对象,并且我已经尝试使用 PowerMockito 来模拟静态类和最终类(Mockito 不这样做).

                I am using JUnit, Mockito to mock objects and I've tried using PowerMockito to mock static and final classes (which Mockito doesn't do).

                我的问题是:我的第一个测试(从 BlockAbstractFactory 调用方法 getBlockList())正在通过,即使 generateBlocks().我已经在 BlockAbstractFactory 中实现了静态方法(目前返回 null),以避免 Eclipse 语法错误.

                My problem is: my first test (calling method getBlockList() from BlockAbstractFactory) is passing, even though there is no implementation in generateBlocks(). I have implemented the static method in BlockAbstractFactory (returning null, so far), to avoid Eclipse syntax errors.

                如何测试静态方法是否在 fileGerator.generateBlocks() 中被调用?

                How can I test if the static method is called within fileGerator.generateBlocks()?


                Here's my Test Class, so far:

                public class testFileGenerator {
                    FileGenerator fileGenerator = new FileGenerator();
                    public void shouldCallGetBlockList() {


                我没有使用 PowerMock 的经验,但是由于您还没有得到答案,所以我只是在阅读文档以查看是否可以帮助您有点在路上.

                I have no experience with PowerMock, but since you didn't get an answer yet I'm just been reading through the documentation to see if I can help you a bit on your way.

                我发现您需要准备 PowerMock,以便我知道它需要准备哪些静态方法才能被模拟.像这样:

                I found that you need to prepare PowerMock so that I knows which static methods it needs to prepare to be mocked. Like so:

                @PrepareForTest(BlockAbstractFactory.class) // <<=== Like that
                public class testFileGenerator {
                    // rest of you class



                这篇关于如何在 Java 中模拟静态方法?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

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