我的用例很简单,我对图像进行了某种操作,结果特征向量是一个形状为 rowX1000 的 numpy 对象(我的意思是说行号可以是可变的,但列号总是 1000)
My use case is simple, i have performed some kind of operation on image and the resulting feature vector is a numpy object of shape rowX1000(what i mean to say is that the row number can be variable but column number is always 1000)
我想在 mysql 中存储这个 numpy 数组.不对这个数组执行任何类型的操作.给定图像名称返回整个特征向量,查询将很简单.那么有没有什么方法可以存储数组(类似于一个封装数组的魔法容器,然后把它放在桌子上,检索时它检索魔法容器并弹出数组)
I want to store this numpy array in mysql. No kind of operation is to be performed on this array. The query will be simple given a image name return the whole feature vector. so is there any way in which the array can be stored (something like a magic container which encapsulates the array and then put it on the table and on retrieval it retrieves the magic container and pops out the array)
我想在 python 中做到这一点.如果可能的话,支持如何将数据放入 mysql 数据库的短代码片段.
I want to do this in python. If possible support with a short code snippit of how to put the data in the mysql database.
您可以使用 ndarray.dumps() 将其pickle 为字符串,然后将其写入BLOB 字段吗?使用 numpy.loads() 恢复它
You could use ndarray.dumps() to pickle it to a string then write it to a BLOB field? Recover it using numpy.loads()