LINQ to SQL and Concurrency Issues(LINQ to SQL 和并发问题)
SQL Server 2005 Transaction Level and Stored Procedures(SQL Server 2005 事务级和存储过程)
Yield return from a try/catch block(try/catch 块的收益回报)
Should I call Parameters.Clear when reusing a SqlCommand with a transation?(重用带有事务的 SqlCommand 时,我应该
Does SqlTransaction need to have Dispose called?(SqlTransaction 是否需要调用 Dispose?)
Reason for System.Transactions.TransactionInDoubtException(System.Transactions.TransactionInDoubtException 的原因)
How do I use TransactionScope with MySql and Entity Framework? (getting Multiple simultaneous connections...are not curre
what does a using statement without variable do when disposing?(处理时不带变量的 using 语句有什么作用?)
Why doesn#39;t TransactionScope work with Entity Framework?(为什么 TransactionScope 不适用于实体框架?)
How to dispose TransactionScope in cancelable async/await?(如何在可取消的 async/await 中处理 TransactionScope?)
.NET TransactionScope class and T-SQL TRAN COMMIT and ROLLBACK(.NET TransactionScope 类和 T-SQL TRAN COMMIT 和 ROLLBAC
TransactionScope: Has it gotten better?(TransactionScope:它变得更好了吗?)