Transactions with ASP.NET Identity UserManager(与 ASP.NET Identity UserManager 的事务)
System.Data.EntityException: The underlying provider failed on Commit(System.Data.EntityException:底层提供程序提交失
TransactionScope and Transactions(TransactionScope 和事务)
Can I get a reference to a pending transaction from a SqlConnection object?(我可以从 SqlConnection 对象获取对挂起
How does SqlConnection manage IsolationLevel?(SqlConnection 如何管理IsolationLevel?)
Does SqlBulkCopy automatically start a transaction?(SqlBulkCopy 是否自动启动事务?)
Transaction scope timeout on 10 minutes(事务范围超时 10 分钟)
Gap-less sequence where multiple transactions with multiple tables are involved(涉及多个表的多个事务的无间隙序
TransactionScope error in ambient transaction does not rollback the transaction(环境事务中的 TransactionScope 错误不
Transactional file writing in C# and Windows?(在 C# 和 Windows 中写入事务性文件?)
Multiple Connections With Same Connection String Under A Single Transaction, Elevated Transaction?(单个事务下具有相
Data committed even though System.Transactions.TransactionScope.Commit() not called(即使未调用 System.Transactions.T