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                1. 本文介绍了在成对的向量中按键查找成对的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                  我想对成对的向量调用 find 函数.在调用 find 函数时,我只有搜索的关键字.

                  I want to call the find function on a vector of pairs. At the time the find function is called I only have the key to search by.

                  我的理解是我需要将一个函数作为参数传递给 find 来为我做比较,但我找不到合适的例子.

                  My understanding is that I need to pass a function into find as an argument to do the comparison for me but I can't find a proper example.


                  The reason I'm sorting the pairs within a vector opposed to a map container is because I want to be able to sort the pairs by value after the population process.

                      vector< pair<string, int> > sortList;
                      vector< pair<string, int> >::iterator it;
                      for(int i=0; i < Users.size(); i++)
                          it = find( sortList.begin(), sortList.end(), findVal(Users.userName) );
                          //Item exists in map
                          if( it != sortList.end())
                              //increment key in map
                          //Item does not exist
                              //Not found, insert in map
                              sortList.push_back( pair<string,int>(Users.userName, 1) );
                      //Sort the list

                  findVal 上的实现对我来说是模糊区域.我也愿意接受更好的逻辑实现方式.

                  The implementation on findVal is the fuzzy area for me. I'd also be open to better ways of implementing the logic.



                  you don't need use find, please use find_if, this is the link:http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/algorithm/find_if/

                  auto it = std::find_if( sortList.begin(), sortList.end(),
                      [&User](const std::pair<std::string, int>& element){ return element.first == User.name;} );

                  如果您在 C++11 之前使用 C++ 标准,那么以后您将需要一个函数而不是 lambda:

                  If you are using C++ standard before C++11, later, you'll need a function instead of a lambda:

                  bool isEqual(const std::pair<std::string, int>& element)
                      return element.first ==  User.name;
                  it = std::find_if( sortList.begin(), sortList.end(), isEqual );


                  上一篇:调整 C++ std::vector<char> 的大小无需初始化数据 下一篇:依赖范围;前面需要typename;



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