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      1. 单例实例声明为 GetInstance 方法的静态变量,它是

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                1. 本文介绍了单例实例声明为 GetInstance 方法的静态变量,它是线程安全的吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                  我见过单例模式的实现,其中实例变量在 GetInstance 方法中被声明为静态变量.像这样:

                  I've seen implementations of Singleton patterns where instance variable was declared as static variable in GetInstance method. Like this:

                  SomeBaseClass &SomeClass::GetInstance()
                     static SomeClass instance;
                     return instance;


                  I see following positive sides of this approach:

                  • 代码更简单,因为只有在第一次调用 GetInstance 时,才由编译器负责创建此对象.
                  • 代码更安全,因为没有其他方法可以获取对实例的引用,而是使用 GetInstance 方法并且没有其他方法可以更改实例,而是在 GetInstance 方法中.


                  What are the negative sides of this approach (except that this is not very OOP-ish) ? Is this thread-safe?


                  在 C++11 中它是线程安全的:

                  In C++11 it is thread safe:

                  §6.7 [stmt.dcl] p4 如果在初始化变量的同时控制进入声明,则并发执行将等待初始化完成.

                  §6.7 [stmt.dcl] p4 If control enters the declaration concurrently while the variable is being initialized, the concurrent execution shall wait for completion of the initialization.

                  在 C++03 中:

                  • 在 g++ 下,它是线程安全的.
                    但这是因为 g++ 明确添加了代码来保证它.


                  One problem is that if you have two singletons and they try and use each other during construction and destruction.

                  请阅读:查找 C++ 静态初始化顺序问题

                  这个问题的一个变体是从全局变量的析构函数访问单例.在这种情况下,单例肯定已经被销毁了,但是 get 方法仍然会返回对被销毁对象的引用.

                  A variation on this problem is if the singleton is accessed from the destructor of a global variable. In this situation the singleton has definitely been destroyed, but the get method will still return a reference to the destroyed object.


                  There are ways around this but they are messy and not worth doing. Just don't access a singleton from the destructor of a global variable.


                  A Safer definition but ugly:
                  I am sure you can add some appropriate macros to tidy this up

                  SomeBaseClass &SomeClass::GetInstance()
                  #ifdef _WIN32 
                  Start Critical Section Here
                  #elif  defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 3)
                  // You are OK
                  #error Add Critical Section for your platform
                      static SomeClass instance;
                  #ifdef _WIN32
                  END Critical Section Here
                      return instance;

                  这篇关于单例实例声明为 GetInstance 方法的静态变量,它是线程安全的吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:什么是 C++ 中的代理类 下一篇:生成没有虚函数的接口?



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