Discord Bot Can#39;t Get Channel by Name(Discord Bot 无法按名称获取频道)
How do I list all Members with a Role In Discord.Js(如何在 Discord.Js 中列出所有具有角色的成员)
Having trouble sending a message to a channel with Discord.js(使用 Discord.js 向频道发送消息时遇到问题)
Discord bot on Heroku throws an error: agent ??= new https.Agent(Heroku 上的 Discord 机器人抛出错误:agent ??= ne
Discord.js - Cooldown for a command for each user not all users(Discord.js - 每个用户的命令冷却时间,而不是所
My discord bot code is working but is not responding to my commands(我的不和谐机器人代码正在运行,但没有响
Find out if someone has a role(查明某人是否有角色)
Discord.js Bot Welcomes Member, Assign a Role and send them a DM(Discord.js 机器人欢迎会员,分配角色并向他们
Send a message with Discord.js(使用 Discord.js 发送消息)
Discord.js v12 code breaks when upgrading to v13(升级到 v13 时 Discord.js v12 代码中断)
How can I migrate my code to Discord.js v12 from v11?(如何将我的代码从 v11 迁移到 Discord.js v12?)
GitLab CI with JS Linting(带有 JS Linting 的 GitLab CI)