Chrome 中的 HTML 5 地理位置提示
我一直在查看 Html 5 中的地理位置.我正在使用 Chrome (12) 并使用如下路径访问 html 文件:file:///C:/_Development/Examples/Html5/boilerplate.html
I've been looking at geolocation in Html 5. I'm using Chrome (12) and am accessing the html file using a path like this: file:///C:/_Development/Examples/Html5/boilerplate.html
I'm getting the little geolocation icon in the search bar that says that the location has been blocked from tracking your location.
Note that I don't have any exceptions setup at all...
Can this be done or do I need to host the file on a web server? If it can't be done, why can't it be done?
Chrome 中的 HTML 5 地理位置提示
chrome 似乎对本地访问地理位置数据有安全限制.您需要托管文件才能使用数据.上一个问题中提供了使用 python 的解决方法.
It seems that chrome has security restrictions on accessing geolocation data locally. You need to host the file to use the data. A workaround with python is available in the previous question.
这篇关于“file:///C:/"上不允许 navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition基于访问的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!