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      1. Pyqt5 qthread + 信号不工作 + gui 冻结


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                • 本文介绍了Pyqt5 qthread + 信号不工作 + gui 冻结的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                  我正在尝试使用 imap lib 制作邮箱检查器,它在没有 gui 的情况下与 python、队列和多线程一起工作得很好.

                  I am trying to make a mailbox checker with imap lib, it work pretty fine with python, queue and multithread without gui.

                  但是当我尝试放置一个 gui 时,我所做的每一个功能,都让 gui 冻结直到完成.

                  But when I try to put a gui, every fonction i made, make the gui freeze until finish .

                  我从各种文档(添加 qthread、signal、cursor 等)和教程中尝试了很多东西,但对我没有用.

                  I tried many thing from various doc(add qthread, signal, cursorr etcc) and tutorials none worked for me .

                  有人可以帮助我了解如何在运行函数时将文本设置或附加到 QtextEdit,因为它只有在完成后才能工作.

                  Can someone help me to understand how to set or append a text to a QtextEdit while running a function coz it work only after finish .


                  class Checker(QtCore.QThread):
                      signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal(object)
                      def __init__(self, lignesmailtocheck):
                          self.lignesmailtocheck = lignesmailtocheck
                      def run(self):
                              lignemailtocheck = self.lignesmailtocheck.strip()                        
                              maillo, passo = lignemailtocheck.split(":",1)
                              debmail, finmail = maillo.split("@",1)
                              setimap =["oultook.com:imap-mail.outlook.com", "gmail.com:imap.gmail.com"]
                              for lignesimaptocheck in sorted(setimap):
                                      ligneimaptocheck = lignesimaptocheck.strip()
                                      fai, imap = ligneimaptocheck.split(":",1)                                
                                      if finmail == fai:
                                              passo0 = passo.rstrip()
                                              try :
                                                      mail = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap)
                                                      mail.login(maillo, passo)
                                                      mailboxok = open("MailBoxOk.txt", "a+", encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')
                                                      totaly = maillo+":"+passo0+":"+imap                                
                                              except imaplib.IMAP4.error:                          
                                                             print ("LOGIN FAILED!!! ")
                  class Ui_Form(object):
                      def setupUi(self, Form):
                          Form.resize(400, 300)
                          self.pushButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton(Form)
                          self.pushButton.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(150, 210, 75, 23))
                          self.openliste = QtWidgets.QToolButton(Form)
                          self.openliste.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(40, 110, 71, 21))
                          self.textEdit = QtWidgets.QTextEdit(Form)
                          self.textEdit.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(170, 50, 201, 121))
                          self.progressBar = QtWidgets.QProgressBar(Form)
                          self.progressBar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(10, 260, 381, 23))
                      def retranslateUi(self, Form):
                          _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate
                          Form.setWindowTitle(_translate("Form", "Form"))
                          self.pushButton.setText(_translate("Form", "PushButton"))
                          self.openliste.setText(_translate("Form", "..."))
                      def gogogo(self):
                          mailtocheck = open('File/toCheck.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore').readlines()        
                          setmailtocheck = set(mailtocheck)
                          for lignesmailtocheck in sorted(setmailtocheck):
                              checker = Checker(lignesmailtocheck)
                              thread = QThread()
                              # connections after move so cross-thread:
                      def checkedok(self, data):
                  if __name__ == "__main__":
                      app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
                      Form = QtWidgets.QWidget()
                      ui = Ui_Form()


                  由于在PyQt中使用QThread经常会遇到问题,和你的类似,这里举个例子说明如何正确使用线程在 PyQt 中.我希望它可以作为类似问题的转到答案有用,所以我花了比平时更多的时间来准备这个.

                  Since there are often questions about using QThread in PyQt, similar to yours, here is an example that shows how to correctly use threads in PyQt. I'm hoping it can be useful as a goto-answer for similar questions so I spent a bit more time than usual preparing this.

                  该示例创建了许多在非主线程中执行的工作对象,并通过 Qt 的异步信号与主(即 GUI)线程进行通信.

                  The example creates a number of worker objects that execute in non-main threads and communicate with the main (ie GUI) thread via Qt's asynchronous signals.

                  import time
                  import sys
                  from PyQt5.QtCore import QObject, QThread, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot
                  from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QPushButton, QTextEdit, QVBoxLayout, QWidget
                  def trap_exc_during_debug(*args):
                      # when app raises uncaught exception, print info
                  # install exception hook: without this, uncaught exception would cause application to exit
                  sys.excepthook = trap_exc_during_debug
                  class Worker(QObject):
                      Must derive from QObject in order to emit signals, connect slots to other signals, and operate in a QThread.
                      sig_step = pyqtSignal(int, str)  # worker id, step description: emitted every step through work() loop
                      sig_done = pyqtSignal(int)  # worker id: emitted at end of work()
                      sig_msg = pyqtSignal(str)  # message to be shown to user
                      def __init__(self, id: int):
                          self.__id = id
                          self.__abort = False
                      def work(self):
                          Pretend this worker method does work that takes a long time. During this time, the thread's
                          event loop is blocked, except if the application's processEvents() is called: this gives every
                          thread (incl. main) a chance to process events, which in this sample means processing signals
                          received from GUI (such as abort).
                          thread_name = QThread.currentThread().objectName()
                          thread_id = int(QThread.currentThreadId())  # cast to int() is necessary
                          self.sig_msg.emit('Running worker #{} from thread "{}" (#{})'.format(self.__id, thread_name, thread_id))
                          for step in range(100):
                              self.sig_step.emit(self.__id, 'step ' + str(step))
                              # check if we need to abort the loop; need to process events to receive signals;
                              app.processEvents()  # this could cause change to self.__abort
                              if self.__abort:
                                  # note that "step" value will not necessarily be same for every thread
                                  self.sig_msg.emit('Worker #{} aborting work at step {}'.format(self.__id, step))
                      def abort(self):
                          self.sig_msg.emit('Worker #{} notified to abort'.format(self.__id))
                          self.__abort = True
                  class MyWidget(QWidget):
                      NUM_THREADS = 5
                      # sig_start = pyqtSignal()  # needed only due to PyCharm debugger bug (!)
                      sig_abort_workers = pyqtSignal()
                      def __init__(self):
                          self.setWindowTitle("Thread Example")
                          form_layout = QVBoxLayout()
                          self.resize(400, 800)
                          self.button_start_threads = QPushButton()
                          self.button_start_threads.setText("Start {} threads".format(self.NUM_THREADS))
                          self.button_stop_threads = QPushButton()
                          self.button_stop_threads.setText("Stop threads")
                          self.log = QTextEdit()
                          self.progress = QTextEdit()
                          QThread.currentThread().setObjectName('main')  # threads can be named, useful for log output
                          self.__workers_done = None
                          self.__threads = None
                      def start_threads(self):
                          self.log.append('starting {} threads'.format(self.NUM_THREADS))
                          self.__workers_done = 0
                          self.__threads = []
                          for idx in range(self.NUM_THREADS):
                              worker = Worker(idx)
                              thread = QThread()
                              thread.setObjectName('thread_' + str(idx))
                              self.__threads.append((thread, worker))  # need to store worker too otherwise will be gc'd
                              # get progress messages from worker:
                              # control worker:
                              # get read to start worker:
                              # self.sig_start.connect(worker.work)  # needed due to PyCharm debugger bug (!); comment out next line
                              thread.start()  # this will emit 'started' and start thread's event loop
                          # self.sig_start.emit()  # needed due to PyCharm debugger bug (!)
                      @pyqtSlot(int, str)
                      def on_worker_step(self, worker_id: int, data: str):
                          self.log.append('Worker #{}: {}'.format(worker_id, data))
                          self.progress.append('{}: {}'.format(worker_id, data))
                      def on_worker_done(self, worker_id):
                          self.log.append('worker #{} done'.format(worker_id))
                          self.progress.append('-- Worker {} DONE'.format(worker_id))
                          self.__workers_done += 1
                          if self.__workers_done == self.NUM_THREADS:
                              self.log.append('No more workers active')
                              # self.__threads = None
                      def abort_workers(self):
                          self.log.append('Asking each worker to abort')
                          for thread, worker in self.__threads:  # note nice unpacking by Python, avoids indexing
                              thread.quit()  # this will quit **as soon as thread event loop unblocks**
                              thread.wait()  # <- so you need to wait for it to *actually* quit
                          # even though threads have exited, there may still be messages on the main thread's
                          # queue (messages that threads emitted before the abort):
                          self.log.append('All threads exited')
                  if __name__ == "__main__":
                      app = QApplication([])
                      form = MyWidget()

                  理解 PyQt 中多线程编程所必需的主要概念如下:

                  The main concepts necessary to understand multi-thread programming in PyQt are the following:

                  • Qt 线程有自己的事件循环(特定于每个线程).主线程,也就是 GUI 线程,也是一个 QThread,它的事件循环由那个线程管理.
                  • 线程之间的信号通过接收线程的事件循环(异步)传输.因此,GUI 或任何线程的响应能力 = 处理事件的能力.例如,如果一个线程在函数循环中忙,它就不能处理事件,所以在函数返回之前它不会响应来自 GUI 的信号.
                  • 如果线程中的工作对象(方法)可能必须根据来自 GUI 的信号更改其操作过程(例如,中断循环或等待),它必须调用 processEvents()QApplication 实例上的 code>.这将允许 QThread 处理事件,从而调用槽以响应来自 GUI 的异步信号.请注意,QApplication.instance().processEvents() 似乎在每个线程上调用 processEvents(),如果不需要,则使用 QThread.currentThread().processEvents() 是一个有效的替代方案.
                  • QThread.quit() 的调用不会立即退出其事件循环:它必须等待当前正在执行的槽(如果有)返回.因此,一旦一个线程被告知要退出,您必须在其上等待().因此,中止工作线程通常涉及(通过自定义信号)发出信号以停止它正在做的任何事情:这需要 GUI 对象上的自定义信号,将该信号连接到工作槽,并且工作方法必须调用线程的 processEvents() 以允许发出的信号在工作时到达插槽.
                  • Qt threads have their own event loop (specific to each thread). The main thread, aka the GUI thread, is also a QThread, and its event loop is managed by that thread.
                  • Signals between threads are transmitted (asynchronously) via the receiving thread's event loop. Hence responsiveness of GUI or any thread = ability to process events. E.g., if a thread is busy in a function loop, it can't process events, so it won't respond to signals from the GUI until the function returns.
                  • If a worker object (method) in a thread may have to change its course of action based on signals from the GUI (say, to interrupt a loop or a wait), it must call processEvents() on the QApplication instance. This will allow the QThread to process events, and hence to call slots in response to async signals from the GUI. Note that QApplication.instance().processEvents() seems to call processEvents() on every thread, if this is not desired then QThread.currentThread().processEvents() is a valid alternative.
                  • A call to QThread.quit() does not immediately quit its event loop: it must wait for currently executing slot (if any) to return. Hence once a thread is told to quit, you must wait() on it. So aborting a worker thread usually involves signaling it (via a custom signal) to stop whatever it is doing: this requires a custom signal on a GUI object, a connection of that signal to a worker slot, and worker work method must call thread's processEvents() to allow the emitted signal to reach the slot while doing work.

                  这篇关于Pyqt5 qthread + 信号不工作 + gui 冻结的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:time.sleep() 和背景 Windows PyQt5 下一篇:Pylint 中的模块“PyQt5.QtWidgets"错误中没有名称



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