Python 转换日期时间以在 os.utime 中使用

本文介绍了Python 转换日期时间以在 os.utime 中使用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我无法在 Python 中对我的文件设置 ctime/mtime.首先我通过 FTP 获取文件的原始时间戳.

I cannot set ctime/mtime on my file within Python. First I get the original timestamp of the file through FTP.

我唯一想要的就是使用 ftplib 在我下载的文件上保留原始时间戳.

The only thing I want is to keep the original timestamps on my downloaded files using the ftplib.

def getFileTime(ftp,name):
    try :
          modifiedTime = ftp.sendcmd('MDTM ' + name)  
          filtid = datetime.strptime(modifiedTime[4:], "%Y%m%d%H%M%S").strftime("%d %B %Y %H:%M:%S")
          return   filtid
    except :
        return False


def downloadFile(ftp, fileName) :
        ftp.retrbinary('RETR %s' % fileName,open(fileName, 'wb').write)
    except ftplib.error_perm:
        print 'ERROR: cannot read file "%s"' % fileName
        return False
        print '*** Downloaded "%s" to CWD' % fileName
        return True



and the I want to set the original timestamp to the downloaded file

def modifyTimestapToOriginal(fileName, orgTime):
            os.utime(fileName, orgTime)
     #       return True
   # except:
    #        return False



ftp, files = f.loginftp(HOST,user,passwd,remoteDir)
        for i in files :
           if not f.isDir(ftp,i) :
               fixTime = datetime.strptime(varfixtime, "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
               ftime = f.getFileTime(ftp,i)
               if ftime >= fixTime  :
                   print (ftime)
                   settime = ftime.timetuple()
                   print "settime '%s'" % settime
                   #f.modifyTimestapToOriginal(i, settime)



    os.utime(fileName, orgTime)
TypeError: utime() arg 2 must be a tuple (atime, mtime)

谁能帮我给我一个更好的方法来保留原始文件时间戳或如何将 ftime 转换为 os.utime 的可用元组

Can anyone help me either give me a better way to keep the original file timestamps or how to convert the ftime to a usable tuple for os.utime


来自 os.utime() 文档:

From the os.utime() documentation:

否则,times 必须是数字的二元组,格式为 (atime, mtime),分别用于设置访问时间和修改时间.

Otherwise, times must be a 2-tuple of numbers, of the form (atime, mtime) which is used to set the access and modified times, respectively.

你没有给它一个元组.在这种情况下,只需将 atimemtime 都设置为相同的值:

You are not giving it a tuple. In this case, just set both atime and mtime to the same value:

os.utime(fileName, (orgTime, orgTime))

fileName 是一个字符串,所以 fileName.close() 不起作用(你会得到一个属性错误),只需删除该行.

fileName is a string, so fileName.close() won't work (you'll get an attribute error), just drop that line.

orgTime 必须是整数;你给它一个时间元组;使用 time.mktime 将其转换为以秒为单位的时间戳():

orgTime must be an integer; you are giving it a time tuple; convert it to a timestamp in seconds since the epoch with time.mktime():

settime = time.mktime(ftime.timetuple())

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上一篇:ftp.retrbinary() 帮助 python 下一篇:使用python通过FTP下载大文件

