I currently try to use the mock library to write some basic nose unittests in python.
完成一些基本示例后,我现在尝试使用 nosetests --with-coverage
After finishing some basic example I now tried to use nosetests --with-coverage
and now I have the mock package and the package I tried to 'mock away' are shown in the coverage report. Is there a possibility to exclude these?
from imaplib import IMAP4
class ImapProxy:
def __init__(self, host):
self._client = IMAP4(host)
And the testcase: from mock import patch
from ImapProxy import ImapProxy
class TestImap:
def test_connect(self):
with patch('ImapProxy.IMAP4') as imapMock:
proxy = ImapProxy("testhost")
我现在得到 nosetests --with-coverage
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
ImapProxy 4 0 100%
imaplib 675 675 0% 23-1519
mock 1240 810 35% [ a lot of lines]
有什么方法可以排除 mock 包和 imaplib 包而无需通过 --cover-package=PACKAGE
Is there any way to exclude the mock package and the imaplib package without having to manually whitelisting all but those packages by --cover-package=PACKAGE
感谢 Ned Batchelder,我现在知道了 .coveragerc 文件,谢谢!
Thanks to Ned Batchelder I now know about the .coveragerc file, thanks for that!
我创建了一个包含以下内容的 .coveragerc 文件:
I created a .coveragerc file with the following content:
omit = *mock*
Now my output for mock in the coverage report is:
mock 1240 1240 0% 16-2356
It does not cover the mock package any longer but still shows it in the report.
如果有帮助,我使用 Coverage.py,版本 3.5.2.
I use Coverage.py, version 3.5.2 if this is any help.
创建一个 .coveragerc 文件,在报告中排除您不想要的内容:http://nedbatchelder.com/code/coverage/config.html
Create a .coveragerc file that excludes what you don't want in the report: http://nedbatchelder.com/code/coverage/config.html