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        为什么 PDO 不允许多个同名占位符?

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                  本文介绍了为什么 PDO 不允许多个同名占位符?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                  我使用 PHP 和带有 PDO 的 MySQL.有时我需要准备一个语句,其中一个变量(占位符)在这个查询中使用了多次.

                  I'm using PHP, and MySQL with PDO. Sometimes I need to prepare a statement with one variable (placeholder) used more than once in this query.


                  SELECT * FROM messages WHERE from_id = :user OR to_id = :user


                  However if I will try to prepare this statement I will have an error so I need to do this in a way like this:

                  SELECT * FROM messages WHERE from_id = :user1 OR to_id = :user2


                  To call this statement I will need to have an array like this:

                  array('user1'=>$user_id, 'user2'=>$user_id);

                  这对我来说看起来很愚蠢!为什么 MySQL (PDO?) 不允许我多次使用一个占位符并强迫我使用需要更多控制的额外变量?!

                  It looks so stupid for me! Why MySQL (PDO?) don't allowing me to use one place holder more than once and forcing me to use extra variables which requires more control?!

                  如果查询相对简单(就像我在上面发布的那样),这可以很容易地处理,但现在我构建了一个使用 5 (!!!) 单个变量的查询.每次添加占位符时,我需要检查很多地方的代码以使其正常.

                  This can be handled easy if the query is relatively simple (like I posted above), but now I built a query with 5 (!!!) uses of single variable. Each time I add the placeholder I need to check the code in many places to make it OK.


                  Is there any setting or a tweak to bypass this?



                  Is there any setting or a tweak to bypass this?


                  Yes, there is. You can turn emulation mode ON and be able to use the same placeholder multiple times.

                  因此,仅当仿真关闭时才会观察到所描述的行为.我真的不明白为什么会这样,但这里是 Wez Furlong(PDO 作者)的解释:

                  So the described behavior is observed only when the emulation is turned OFF. I don't really understand why it is so but here is an explanation from Wez Furlong (the PDO author):


                  The change was made for two reasons; first and foremost, if you re-use the same variable in a bind, it is possible to induce a crash when using some drivers. It’s not possible to guarantee to do the right thing, and having a way to trigger a crash can sometimes be used as an attack vector for a security exploit.


                  The second reason is that of portability. Some drivers would internally perform this check and error out. If you code against the drivers that don’t enforce this, then your code won’t work on those that don’t.


                  这篇关于为什么 PDO 不允许多个同名占位符?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:PHP PDO 使用循环插入 下一篇:在 PDO 语句中动态更改列名



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