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        在 php 中将 UTF-16LE 转换为 UTF-8

        1. <i id='UIiPK'><tr id='UIiPK'><dt id='UIiPK'><q id='UIiPK'><span id='UIiPK'><b id='UIiPK'><form id='UIiPK'><ins id='UIiPK'></ins><ul id='UIiPK'></ul><sub id='UIiPK'></sub></form><legend id='UIiPK'></legend><bdo id='UIiPK'><pre id='UIiPK'><center id='UIiPK'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='UIiPK'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='UIiPK'><tfoot id='UIiPK'></tfoot><dl id='UIiPK'><fieldset id='UIiPK'></fieldset></dl></div>
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              • <small id='UIiPK'></small><noframes id='UIiPK'>

                  本文介绍了在 php 中将 UTF-16LE 转换为 UTF-8的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                  我使用 iconv php 函数,但有些字符不能正确转换:

                  I use iconv php function but some characters doesn't convert correctly:

                  $s = iconv('UTF-16', 'UTF-8', $s);
                  $s = iconv('UTF-16//IGNORE', 'UTF-8', $s);
                  $s = iconv('UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8', $s);
                  $s = iconv('UTF-16LE//IGNORE', 'UTF-8', $s);

                  我也尝试了 mb_convert_encoding 函数,但无法解决我的问题.

                  I also try mb_convert_encoding function but can't solve my problem.


                  A sample text file: 9px.ir/utf8-16LE.rar


                  iconv 支持UTF-16LE编码.

                  您可以使用它来将编码从 UTF-16LE 转置为 UTF-8:

                  You can use it to transpose the encoding from UTF-16LE to UTF-8:

                  $result = iconv($in_charset = 'UTF-16LE' , $out_charset = 'UTF-8' , $str);
                  if (false === $result)
                      throw new Exception('Input string could not be converted.');


                  我只是想知道 UTF 中的所有代码点是否可用-16LEUTF-8 中可用.但我认为这应该适合您的情况.

                  I'm just wondering if all code-points available in UTF-16LE are available in UTF-8. But I assume that this should fit in your case.

                  我无法在自己的盒子上重现该问题,但在 另一个框我遇到了这个通知:

                  I was not able to reproduce the problem on a box of my own, but on another box I ran into this notice:

                  注意:iconv() [function.iconv]: 字符集错误,从 UTF-16LE' 到 UTF-8' 的转换是不允许的 ...

                  Notice: iconv() [function.iconv]: Wrong charset, conversion from UTF-16LE' toUTF-8' is not allowed in ...

                  看起来并不是所有的 iconv 版本都能真正将 UTF-16LE 转换为 UTF-8.

                  Looks like that not all iconv versions can actually convert UTF-16LE to UTF-8.

                  使用 mb_convert_encodingDocs 相反,至少在这种情况下是这样 (演示):

                  It might be a workaround to use mb_convert_encodingDocs instead, at least it was in this case (Demo):

                  $result = mb_convert_encoding($str , 'UTF-8' , 'UTF-16LE');

                  这篇关于在 php 中将 UTF-16LE 转换为 UTF-8的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:未在 html 文档中声明的字符编码 下一篇:用 JavaScript 编码 Base64,用 GET 发送,用 PHP 解码



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