Magento:将产品最大数量限制为每个订单 1 个.数量

本文介绍了Magento:将产品最大数量限制为每个订单 1 个.数量 2 = 2 个订单的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


是否可以将 Magento 中的特定产品限制为每个订单的最大数量?这意味着用户一次只能订购一种产品.如果他想订购该产品两次,他必须进行第二次订购.这对我以后的订单工作流程非常重要.

Is it anyhow possible to limit specific products in Magento to a max quantity of one per order? This means the user can only order one product at a time. If he wants to order the product twice he has to do a second order. This is very important for me for the later order workflow.


Thx for your help, I appreciate it!



是的,您可以在编辑商品时通过编辑库存选项卡上的值来限制购物车中商品的最大数量产品.请参阅下面的屏幕截图.在您的情况下,您需要取消选中 Use Config Settings 并将值设置为 1.

Yes, you can limit the maximum quantity of a product in the shopping cart by editing the value on the Inventory tab when editing a product. See screenshot below. In your case, you'd want to uncheck Use Config Settings and set the value to 1.

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上一篇:Magento - 获取父类别和所有子类别 下一篇:Magento 客户以编程方式登录

