EditText non editable(EditText 不可编辑)
How to place button inside of EditText(如何在 EditText 中放置按钮)
how to hide keyboard after typing in EditText in android?(在android中输入EditText后如何隐藏键盘?)
Android Clearing all EditText Fields with Clear Button(Android使用清除按钮清除所有EditText字段)
Android: Vertical alignment for multi line EditText (Text area)(Android:多行EditText(文本区域)的垂直对齐)
Android, how do I stop a pointer appearing below an EditText(Android,如何停止出现在 EditText 下方的指针)
How to use custom image for edittext password like axis bank app(如何使用自定义图像编辑文本密码,如轴银行
EditText stucks after animation and alive back on scrolling......?(EditText 在动画后卡住并在滚动时重新活着
Android EditText on longPress: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=15; index=491(longPress上的Android EditText:Array
Edittext set for password with phone number input? (android)(Edittext 为带有电话号码输入的密码设置?(安卓)
Soft Keyboard Overlapping with EditText Field(与 EditText 字段重叠的软键盘)
null keyevent and actionid = 0 in onEditorAction() (Jelly Bean / Nexus 7)(onEditorAction() 中的 null keyevent 和 actio