No cached version of available for offline mode(没有可用于离线模式的 com.g
Program type already present:$CustomActionCallback(程序类型已存在:andr
Access to the Dex is now impossible, starting with 1.4.0(从 1.4.0 开始,现在无法访问 Dex)
How to add Android Support Repository to Android Studio?(如何将 Android 支持存储库添加到 Android Studio?)
Error:Gradle: Execution failed for task #39;:app:crashlyticsCleanupResourcesDebug#39;. gt; Crashlytics Developer Tools er
Error:Could not run build action using Gradle installation (gradle 2.4 ,android studio)(错误:无法使用 Gradle 安装运
Error:Unknown host You may need to adjust the proxy settings in Gradle(错误:未知主机 services.
Gradle version 1.8 is required. Current version is 1.6(需要 Gradle 版本 1.8.当前版本是 1.6)
Why there are multiple copies for the same version of gradle(为什么同一个版本的gradle会有多个副本)
Exclude assets for release build type(排除发布构建类型的资产)
Using a different manifestPlaceholder for each Build Variant(为每个 Build Variant 使用不同的 manifestPlaceholder)
Not able to copy configurations dependencies after upgrading Gradle plugin for Android Studio to 3.0.1 and Gradle to 4.1(将