


我想尝试一些想法,并为 Android 开发一个软键盘来替换默认键盘.

I would like to play around with some ideas and develop a soft keyboard for Android to replace the default one.

  • 那里有关于 Android 软键盘开发的一般信息吗?有什么最佳做法或指南吗?

  • Is there any general information about soft keyboard development for Android out there? Any best practices or guidelines?

我可以用我的键盘应用程序做任何我可以用普通 Android 应用程序做的事情吗?

Can I do with my keyboard application pretty much anything I could do with a normal Android application?

我可以通过 HTTP 连接将键盘数据与云数据库和我拥有的其他手机同步吗?

Can I do HTTP connections to synchronize keyboard data with a cloud DB and other phones I have?

我可以通过按键打开其他窗口/屏幕吗?显示与普通 QWERTY 不同的自定义输入界面.如果这不起作用,我可以改用弹出对话框吗?

Can I open other windows/screens from a key press, e.g. to display a custom input interface different to a normal QWERTY one. If that doesn't work, can I use a pop-up dialog instead?



  • 阅读本教程:创建输入法
  • 克隆此存储库:LatinIME


inputMethod 基本上是一个 Android Service,所以是的,您可以执行 HTTP 以及您可以在 Service 中执行的所有操作.

An inputMethod is basically an Android Service, so yes, you can do HTTP and all the stuff you can do in a Service.

您可以从 InputMethod 打开 Activity 和对话框.再一次,它只是一个Service.

You can open Activities and dialogs from the InputMethod. Once again, it's just a Service.

我一直在开发 IME,如果遇到问题,请再次询问.

I've been developing an IME, so ask again if you run into an issue.


上一篇:Ionic v2:“你不能以 root 身份运行 cocoapods"错误 下一篇:选择文本字段时使 UITableView 滚动

