Do current XHR implementations take advantage of HTTP/2?(当前的 XHR 实现是否利用了 HTTP/2?)
Load xml from javascript(从 javascript 加载 xml)
Executing Javascript written with XMLHttpRequest that contains script tags?(执行用包含脚本标签的 XMLHttpRequest
How to make http authentication in REST API call from javascript(如何在来自 javascript 的 REST API 调用中进行
Changing filename in BlobBuilder to be passed as FormData on XHR(在 BlobBuilder 中更改文件名以作为 XHR 上的 F
Why is an object in an XMLHttpRequest sent to a Node/Express server empty?(为什么发送到 Node/Express 服务器的 X
Alternatives for Javascript Synchronous XMLHttpRequest (as timing out in Safari)(Javascript 同步 XMLHttpRequest 的替代
How to check in JavaScript if XMLHttpRequest object supports W3C Progress Events?(如果 XMLHttpRequest 对象支持 W3C 进
PDF file download through XHR Request(通过 XHR 请求下载 PDF 文件)
AngularJS $http returns status code 0 from failed CORS request(AngularJS $http 从失败的 CORS 请求返回状态码 0)
Add custom http header to all jQuery AJAX Requests(向所有 jQuery AJAX 请求添加自定义 http 标头)