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        如何将特定键绑定到 Eclipse 中的不同启动配置?


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                  本文介绍了如何将特定键绑定到 Eclipse 中的不同启动配置?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




                  另一个配置 (#2) 的意思是运行我正在处理的服务器(在最前面的项目中),以便我可以交互式地对其进行测试".


                  我总是希望 #1 近在咫尺,只需按一下键即可轻松运行.另外,我希望能够运行 #2,在控制台中观察它的启动情况,并且当它准备好时(因为自动化它并不是完全微不足道的)按下 #3 的键.p>

                  这可能类似于 binding 的问题特定构建配置的关键,但那里的答案看起来非常特定于构建,因为我正在使用 PyDev,我根本没有构建"步骤.

                  此外,鉴于我使用的是 PyDev,pyedit_* 脚本形式的答案将与 eclipse 的本机"答案一样受到赞赏.


                  也许 Eclipse Runner插件可以使某人更容易处理启动配置.它目前不允许将键绑定分配给启动配置,但我打开了一个功能请求 启动配置的键绑定

                  I have several launch configurations for the code I work on.

                  One configuration (#1) means "run the unit tests for the file in the frontmost editor (i.e. selected resource)". I would really like to be able to always make this be bound to a key.

                  Another configuration (#2) means "run the server that I am working on (in the frontmost project) so I can test it interactively".

                  Yet another (#3) means "run some automated acceptance tests against the server".

                  I always want to have #1 close at hand, easy to run from a single keystroke. Plus, I want to be able to run #2, watch it start up in a console, and when it's ready (since it's not entirely trivial to automate this) hit the key for #3.

                  This is possibly similar to the question for binding a key to a specific build configuration, but the answers there look very specific to builds, and as I'm using PyDev, I don't have a "build" step at all.

                  Also, given that I'm using PyDev, an answer in the form of a pyedit_* script would be appreciated just as much as a "native" answer for eclipse.


                  Maybe Eclipse Runner plugin could make it easier for someone to handle launch configurations. It doesn't allow to assign key binding to launch configurations currently but I opened a feature request Key bindings for launch configurations

                  这篇关于如何将特定键绑定到 Eclipse 中的不同启动配置?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:使用动态值覆盖 Junit Test 中的默认 Spring-Boot app 下一篇:在套件级别上并行运行 JUnit 测试?



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