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        Spring Data JDBC - 多对一关系

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                1. 本文介绍了Spring Data JDBC - 多对一关系的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                  我似乎在网上找不到任何关于在 Spring JDBC 中使用多对一映射的参考资料.我刚刚在不支持的文档中看到了,但我不确定是否是这种情况.

                  I can't seem to find any reference online with regards to using a Many-To-One mapping in Spring JDBC. I just saw in the documentation that is not supported but I'm not sure if this is the case.

                  我的示例是我想将我的 AppUser 映射到特定部门.

                  My example is that I want to map my AppUser to a particular Department.

                  作为参考,AppUser 使用 DEPARTMENT_ID 加入 Department 表

                  For reference, AppUser joins to Department table using DEPARTMENT_ID

                  public class AppUserProjectionTwo {
                      private Long id;
                      private String firstname;
                      private String middlename;
                      private String lastname;
                      private DepartmentProjection departmenProjection;
                      public Long getId() {
                          return id;
                      public void setId(Long id) {
                          this.id = id;


                  However, it seems that it won't map properly.

                  public class DepartmentProjection {
                      private Long id;
                      public Long getId() {
                          return id;
                      public void setId(Long id) {
                          this.id = id;

                  创建的查询如下所示.我正在寻找更多相反的东西,其中 M_APPUSER.department_ID = Department.id

                  The created query looks like this. I was looking for something more of the opposite in which M_APPUSER.department_ID = Department.id

                  [SELECT "m_appuser"."ID" AS "ID", "m_appuser"."LASTNAME" AS "LASTNAME", "m_appuser"."FIRSTNAME" AS "FIRSTNAME", "m_appuser"."MIDDLENAME" AS "MIDDLENAME", "departmenProjection"."ID" AS "DEPARTMENPROJECTION_ID" FROM "m_appuser" LEFT OUTER JOIN "M_DEPARTMENT" AS "departmenProjection" ON "departmenProjection"."DEPARTMENT_ID" = "m_appuser"."ID" WHERE "m_appuser"."FIRSTNAME" = ?];




                  I just saw in the documentation that is not supported but I'm not sure if this is the case.

                  我可以确认它不受支持.多对一关系跨越聚合的边界.跨聚合的引用必须建模为被引用聚合的 id.

                  I can confirm it is not supported. Many-To-One relationships cross the boundaries of aggregates. References across aggregates must be modelled as ids of the referenced aggregate.

                  如果你不这样做,Spring Data JDBC 将把引用视为一对一关系和同一聚合的一部分,这将对多对一关系产生你不想要的影响,例如当被引用的实体被删除时,被引用的实体被删除.这对于同一聚合中的一对一关系是正确的.

                  If you don't do this Spring Data JDBC will consider the reference a One-To-One relationship and part of the same aggregate which will have effects you don't want for a Many-To-One relationship, like the referenced entity getting deleted when the referenced entity gets deleted. Which would be correct for a One-To-One relationship within the same aggregate.

                  这在 中有更详细的解释https://spring.io/blog/2018/09/24/spring-data-jdbc-references-and-aggregates

                  这篇关于Spring Data JDBC - 多对一关系的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:DB2 System Runtime Table 检索最后执行的 SQL 语句 下一篇:Java中带有命名空间的XPath



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