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                • 本文介绍了为机器登录用户以外的特定用户运行创建/删除 DB2 数据库命令的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


                  db2 CREATE DATABASE XYZ
                  db2 DROP   DATABASE XYZ

                  这些 db2 命令不支持在 db2cmd/db2clp 上为机器登录用户以外的特定用户执行时指定用户名/密码.因此导致异常

                  These db2 commands which doesn't provide support to specify username/password while executing on db2cmd/db2clp for a specific user other than machine logged-in user. Hence result a exception

                  SQL1092N 请求的命令或操作失败,因为用户标识没有执行请求的命令或操作的权限."

                  "SQL1092N The requested command or operation failed because the user ID does not have the authority to perform the requested command or operation."


                  And when the same commands run as by choosing 'Run as different user', it works properly.

                  1. 但我需要使用 Java 代码中的相同机制,但不知道如何使用.是否可以以不同的用户表单 Java 代码打开已安装的 db2 的 clp??
                  2. 是否可以在创建/删除命令中关联用户名/密码?


                  在 CLP 中,您可以首先使用所需的任何用户 ID ATTACH 到实例,然后发出 CREATE DATABASE 命令.

                  From the CLP you can first ATTACH to the instance using whatever user ID you need, and then issue the CREATE DATABASE command.


                  If the instance is running on your local machine, you just attach like this:

                  $ db2 attach to db2inst1 user db2inst1
                  Enter current password for db2inst1: 
                     Instance Attachment Information
                   Instance server        = DB2/LINUXX8664 9.7.5
                   Authorization ID       = DB2INST1
                   Local instance alias   = DB2INST1


                  If the instance is running on a remote server, you attach to the "node name" that you have defined in your database catalog:

                  $ db2 list db directory
                   System Database Directory
                   Number of entries in the directory = 1
                  Database 1 entry:
                   Database alias                       = SAMPLE
                   Database name                        = SAMPLE
                   Node name                            = SRV01
                   Database release level               = d.00
                   Comment                              =
                   Directory entry type                 = Remote
                   Catalog database partition number    = -1
                   Alternate server hostname            =
                   Alternate server port number         =

                  在本例中,list database directory 的输出中显示的节点名称为 SRV01,因此您可以使用以下命令进行附加:db2 attach to srv01 user <用户名>.

                  In this example, the Node Name shown in the output from list database directory is SRV01, so you would attach using: db2 attach to srv01 user <username>.

                  这篇关于为机器登录用户以外的特定用户运行创建/删除 DB2 数据库命令的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:为什么 DB2 Type 4 JDBC Driver 正在寻找本机库 db2jcc 下一篇:如何检查用户的 DB2 SYSADM 或 SYSCTRL 授权



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