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                  如何从 java 的构造函数中获取实例化对象?

                  How can i get hold of the instantiating object from a constructor in java?

                  我想为某些 GUI 类存储对父对象的引用以模拟事件冒泡 - 调用父处理程序 - 但我不想更改所有现有代码.

                  I want to store reference to the parent object for some GUI classes to simulate event bubbling - calling parents handlers - but i dont wanna change all the existing code.


                  简短的回答:在 Java 中没有办法做到这一点.(你可以找出哪个班级叫你,但下面的长答案大部分也适用于那里.)

                  Short answer: there isn't a way to do this in Java. (You can find out what class called you, but the long answer below applies there for the most part as well.)


                  Long answer: Code that magically behaves differently depending on where it's being invoked from is almost always a bad idea. It's confusing to whoever has to maintain your code, and it seriously hurts your ability to refactor. For example, suppose you realize that two of the places instantiating your object have basicaly the same logic, so you decide to factor out the common bits. Surprise! Now the code behaves differently because it's being instantiated from somewhere else. Just add the parameter and fix the callers. It'll save you time in the long run.


                  上一篇:java中的事件处理和java中actionPerformed方法的执行 下一篇:使用 JavaFX 在任何地方处理鼠标事件



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