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        ElasticSearch 仅返回具有不同值的文档


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                1. 本文介绍了ElasticSearch 仅返回具有不同值的文档的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



                  Let's say I have this given data

                              "name" : "ABC",
                              "favorite_cars" : [ "ferrari","toyota" ]
                            }, {
                              "name" : "ABC",
                              "favorite_cars" : [ "ferrari","toyota" ]
                            }, {
                              "name" : "GEORGE",
                              "favorite_cars" : [ "honda","Hyundae" ]


                  Whenever I query this data when searching for people who's favorite car is toyota, it returns this data

                              "name" : "ABC",
                              "favorite_cars" : [ "ferrari","toyota" ]
                            }, {
                              "name" : "ABC",
                              "favorite_cars" : [ "ferrari","toyota" ]

                  结果是两条名为 ABC 的记录.如何仅选择不同的文档?我想得到的结果只有这个

                  the result is Two records of with a name of ABC. How do I select distinct documents only? The result I want to get is only this

                                  "name" : "ABC",
                                  "favorite_cars" : [ "ferrari","toyota" ]


                      "fuzzy_like_this_field" : {
                          "favorite_cars" : {
                              "like_text" : "toyota",
                              "max_query_terms" : 12

                  我正在使用 ElasticSearch 1.0.0.使用 java api 客户端

                  I am using ElasticSearch 1.0.0. with the java api client


                  您可以使用 聚合.使用 术语聚合结果将按一个字段分组,例如name,还提供了该字段每个值的出现次数,并将按此计数对结果进行排序(降序).

                  You can eliminate duplicates using aggregations. With term aggregation the results will be grouped by one field, e.g. name, also providing a count of the ocurrences of each value of the field, and will sort the results by this count (descending).

                    "query": {
                      "fuzzy_like_this_field": {
                        "favorite_cars": {
                          "like_text": "toyota",
                          "max_query_terms": 12
                    "aggs": {
                      "grouped_by_name": {
                        "terms": {
                          "field": "name",
                          "size": 0

                  除了 hits 之外,结果还将包含 buckets,其中 key 中的唯一值和 中的计数>doc_count:

                  In addition to the hits, the result will also contain the buckets with the unique values in key and with the count in doc_count:

                    "took" : 4,
                    "timed_out" : false,
                    "_shards" : {
                      "total" : 5,
                      "successful" : 5,
                      "failed" : 0
                    "hits" : {
                      "total" : 2,
                      "max_score" : 0.19178301,
                      "hits" : [ {
                        "_index" : "pru",
                        "_type" : "pru",
                        "_id" : "vGkoVV5cR8SN3lvbWzLaFQ",
                        "_score" : 0.19178301,
                      }, {
                        "_index" : "pru",
                        "_type" : "pru",
                        "_id" : "IdEbAcI6TM6oCVxCI_3fug",
                        "_score" : 0.19178301,
                      } ]
                    "aggregations" : {
                      "grouped_by_name" : {
                        "buckets" : [ {
                          "key" : "abc",
                          "doc_count" : 2
                        } ]


                  Note that using aggregations will be costly because of duplicate elimination and result sorting.

                  这篇关于ElasticSearch 仅返回具有不同值的文档的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持html5模板网!

                  上一篇:在 MySQL 上使用 NoSQL 数据库 下一篇:寻找一个轻量级的 java 兼容的内存键值存储



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                    <i id='dGKmJ'><tr id='dGKmJ'><dt id='dGKmJ'><q id='dGKmJ'><span id='dGKmJ'><b id='dGKmJ'><form id='dGKmJ'><ins id='dGKmJ'></ins><ul id='dGKmJ'></ul><sub id='dGKmJ'></sub></form><legend id='dGKmJ'></legend><bdo id='dGKmJ'><pre id='dGKmJ'><center id='dGKmJ'></center></pre></bdo></b><th id='dGKmJ'></th></span></q></dt></tr></i><div id='dGKmJ'><tfoot id='dGKmJ'></tfoot><dl id='dGKmJ'><fieldset id='dGKmJ'></fieldset></dl></div>

                  1. <legend id='dGKmJ'><style id='dGKmJ'><dir id='dGKmJ'><q id='dGKmJ'></q></dir></style></legend>
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